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Led by Jokowi, Indonesian Economy Creates Investor Confidence


Jakarta – Economics expert from the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, Hendra Kholid, appreciated the performance of the Joko Widodo government in making Indonesia’s economic growth the best in the world in 2023.

“I think one of the factors is the investment factor. So indeed because we see two basically, one from the consumption factor, the second from the investment factor,” said Hendra.

Hendra also believes that investors still believe that the investment climate in Indonesia will continue to grow positively.

“So we hope that it can be maintained and the investment will also be good and sustainable,” he said.

Economic stability in Indonesia, under Jokowi’s leadership, has proven to be a factor in the development of various investments in the country.

Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Masaki Yasushi said that Japan continues to encourage cooperation with Indonesia to strengthen economic performance amid the economic slowdown experienced by Japan.

“I think we can work together very well, we certainly have a mutually beneficial relationship,” said Masaki.

“Related to this, Indonesia and Japan can also cooperate in aspects of trade, investment, and labor exchange. In addition, currently there are also many Indonesian citizens who are not only traveling, but also working, in Japan,” said the Ambassador.

Previously, in the region, Acting Governor of North Sumatra (Sumut) Hassanudin said that the existence of adequate infrastructure contributes to the distribution of goods and services, so that it will have an impact on the country’s economic growth.

“This will have an impact on the country’s economic growth and increase regional equality. Infrastructure development has been very noticeable in recent years. Now it is very flexible,” said Hassanudin.

Hassanudin hopes that the development of other infrastructure will be able to stimulate new economic growth, as well as improve sustainable infrastructure services.

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