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President Prabowo’s Commitment to Eradicating Drugs Earns Praise from Various Parties


Jakarta – President Prabowo continues to be committed to eradicating narcotics throughout Indonesia. The National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BNN RI) is one of the institutions that is also overseeing the efforts to eradicate narcotics.
The Head of BNN RI, Commissioner General of Police. Marthinus Hukom stated that the issue of narcotics has indeed become one of the main issues, so that handling related to narcotics problems has been included in the national priority program as stated in President Prabowo Subianto’s Astacita mission.
“The seriousness of the Indonesian Government in handling narcotics is also emphasized by the formation of the Narcotics Eradication Desk by the Minister of Politics and Security (Menko Polkam) Budi Gunawan,” said Marthinus.
In addition, BNN RI is also strengthening intelligence by recruiting personnel who have competence in this field.
Marthinus explained that recently in Indonesia there have been several discoveries of clandestine narcotics labs (dark factories) that have been successfully uncovered by BNN RI.
In 2024, there were at least two cases of illegal narcotics factories that were uncovered by the BNN, namely in Bali in July and in Serang, Banten in October.
According to Marthinus, the disclosure shows that Indonesia is no longer just a narcotics market, but also a narcotics producer.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD, Khoirudin, emphasized the importance of good collaboration and synergy between the DKI DPRD and the BNN in efforts to combat drug trafficking. Moreover, drugs are now starting to target young people or students.
“Of course, cooperation between the DPRD and BNN is very important to jointly solve the problems in Jakarta, especially the drug problem that has started to target school children,” said Khoirudin.
Khoirudin also expressed his concern about the behavior of individuals or groups who use illegal drugs for brawls. According to him, this action has the potential to damage the future of the nation’s next generation.
“We at the DKI Jakarta DPRD strongly support efforts to resolve the drug problem in Jakarta. Alhamdulillah, BNN is here, and we are committed to eradicating drug trafficking in Jakarta,” he said.
Khoirudin hopes that BNN can reduce the number of drug users in Jakarta. For that, preventive measures are needed that involve various sectors, starting from schools, community groups, communities, community leaders, to religious leaders including clerics.
Efforts to eradicate drugs need to continue to receive support from various parties in order to save the future of the nation’s next generation. Preventive measures must be taken in various levels of society so that there are no more victims exposed to drugs.


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