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Synergy is the Key to Security Stability During the 2025 Christmas and New Year Moment


By: Andika Pratama )*

The government and security forces are trying to ensure the safety and comfort of the community during the 2025 Christmas and New Year (Nataru) celebrations. President Prabowo Subianto has ordered the police to secure the celebrations properly. This shows the government’s commitment to maintaining security stability and creating a conducive business climate. In addition to securing Christmas and New Year, the President also reminded the police to always side with and defend the interests of the people.

Synergy between the government, security forces, and the community is the main key to achieving security and comfort during Christmas and New Year. This cooperation allows for effective and efficient security, and minimizes the potential for security disturbances. The police, TNI, and other related parties have prepared to maintain security in various strategic locations such as churches, tourist attractions, shopping centers, and transportation areas.

Operation Lilin 2024 carried out by the Solo Police is a real example of this synergy. A total of 899 joint personnel from the TNI, Polri, Satpol PP, Linmas, and community organizations were deployed to maintain security during the Christmas and New Year holidays. This security also involved Christian and Catholic religious leaders to ensure optimal security in churches.

Solo Police Chief Senior Commissioner Iwan Saktiadi said that this year’s security will be focused on several strategic points, such as churches, tourist attractions, shopping centers, and transportation areas. According to him, Operation Lilin is a routine police operation to anticipate Christmas and New Year. Iwan explained that church security will be divided into three priorities based on the number of congregations and the intensity of worship activities. The first priority is churches with more than 1,000 congregations and two services a day will be guarded 24 hours by 13-15 personnel, plus elements of mass organizations or community task forces. There are 17 churches in this category.

The second priority is churches with around 500 congregants and worship 1-2 times a day. There are 23 churches in this category. And the third priority is churches with under 500 congregants and one worship service a day. There are 5 churches in this category. In addition, the Surakarta Police will also set up six security and service posts to anticipate the surge in public mobility during the holidays. Five security posts are placed in strategic locations, namely Jurug, Faroka, Mahkota, Banyuanyar, and Benteng Vastenburg and one integrated post at the Gilingan Terminal.

Traffic security efforts are also carried out with route surveys by Jasa Raharja and Korlantas Polri. This survey maps points prone to congestion and prepares anticipatory measures such as implementing contra flow. Restrictions on goods vehicles with three axles or more at certain times are carried out to reduce congestion on the highway. This step minimizes the potential for accidents and ensures smooth traffic flow.

Jasa Raharja President Director, Rivan A. Purwantono stated his commitment to support Nataru security efforts by providing traffic signs and other safety equipment. He also appealed to the public to prepare themselves well before traveling and ensure that vehicles are in roadworthy condition.

Meanwhile, the Head of Traffic Corps of the Indonesian National Police, Inspector General of Police. Aan Suhanan stated that the route survey was conducted to ensure the safety and comfort of the public during the Christmas and New Year holidays. He emphasized the importance of intervention to manage traffic flow and anticipate congestion, especially on busy routes such as Puncak Bogor and Lembang. He also mentioned that this year’s prediction shows an increase in vehicle mobility of 2.8% compared to last year.

The community also has an important role in maintaining security during Christmas and New Year. Following instructions from security, avoiding behavior that can trigger conflict, reporting suspicious events to security, and using technology to monitor security are some of the things that can be done. Thus, the community can actively contribute to maintaining security and comfort during the celebration.

Although security efforts have been made, there are still several challenges to be faced such as traffic congestion, population density in strategic areas, and potential conflicts between groups. Therefore, good coordination between security forces and the community, improvement of infrastructure and public facilities, and public awareness campaigns about the importance of security are needed.

In maintaining security and comfort during Christmas and New Year, there needs to be awareness and active participation from all parties. Synergy between the government, security forces, and the community is the main key to achieving security and comfort. Let’s work together to maintain security and comfort during this moment.

In the long term, synergy between the government, security forces, and the community can create a stable and conducive security climate. This will have a positive impact on the economy, tourism, and the quality of life of the community.
Synergy between the government, security forces, and the community is the main key to achieving security and comfort during Christmas 2024 and New Year 2025. Let us together maintain security and comfort during this moment.

)* The author is a contributor to JabarTrigger.com

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