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Free Health Checks Form President Prabowo’s Commitment to Realizing a Healthy Indonesia


By: Nita Paramita )*

President Prabowo Subianto has shown a real commitment to improving the quality of public health by launching the Free Health Check-up program which is targeted to reach 60 million people in the first year of its implementation in 2025. This program is not just an initiative to treat diseases, but emphasizes preventive efforts to reduce the death rate from non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

The importance of prevention in the health system is a major concern for the Prabowo-Gibran government. The 2023 Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek) data shows that non-communicable diseases are the main cause of death in Indonesia, with more than 600,000 people dying each year from cardiovascular disease. This figure is the basis for President Prabowo’s consideration in taking strategic steps through a prevention-based health program.

Spokesperson for the Presidential Communications Office, Dedek Prayudi, said that this policy is in line with President Prabowo’s vision to improve the health of the Indonesian people. Free health check-ups are provided to all levels of society with a screening scheme that adjusts to needs based on age groups. This includes early detection of congenital diseases in infants, obesity and diabetes screening in adolescents, and early detection of cancer and cardiovascular disease for adults and the elderly.

The government has allocated a budget of IDR 4.7 trillion in the 2025 State Budget to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of this program. This step is part of the Fast Best Results Program (PHTC) which is a priority of the Prabowo-Gibran government in addressing national health issues. With a more systematic and data-based approach, this program is expected to reduce the economic burden due to high medical costs and improve the quality of life of the community.

The implementation of this program is also supported by the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) which has deployed more than 120,000 social assistants to ensure that its socialization and implementation run optimally. Minister of Social Affairs Saifullah Yusuf emphasized that the government will ensure that all beneficiary families (KPM) from social assistance such as the Family Hope Program (PKH) can access this service easily. With a network of social assistants spread throughout Indonesia, the process of disseminating information about free health checks is expected to reach the underprivileged and vulnerable groups.

This program will be implemented through three main schemes, namely Free Health Check (CKG) Birthday for toddlers and adults over 18 years old, School CKG intended for school-age children, and CKG specifically for pregnant women and early childhood which focuses on maternal and child health services. The public can access this service through the First Level Health Service Facility (FKTP) with a simple registration process, including through the SATUSEHAT Mobile application which allows online registration.

The government’s strategy in integrating this program with digital technology is also worthy of appreciation. By utilizing digital applications, the public can easily register and obtain information related to available health services. In addition, a data-based system will help the government in monitoring and evaluating the program so that its implementation can be more effective and on target.

Free health checks are also a form of implementation of the mandate of the 1945 Constitution Article 28H which guarantees the right of every citizen to obtain decent health services. The Prabowo-Gibran government considers that investment in the health sector is an essential step in building a healthier and more productive Indonesia. With this program, early detection of disease can be done faster, so that medical intervention can be given before the condition becomes more severe.

In addition to health benefits, this program also contributes to increasing community productivity. With better health, the number of absences from work due to illness can be minimized, so that workforce productivity increases. This will ultimately have a positive impact on national economic growth.

Support from various parties, including health workers and local governments, is the key to success in implementing this program. Synergy between the central and local governments in providing adequate facilities and medical personnel is needed to ensure that free health check-up services can be accessed by the entire community, especially in remote and outermost areas.

The General Chairperson of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI), Dr. Adib Khumaidi, said that the program initiated by the President was a step forward that should be appreciated. This free health check-up program willprovide a positive impact on society, such as early detection of diseases, increasing awareness of the importance of health, and reducing the burden of costs for organizing curative treatment or care.

The success of this program will depend greatly on the active participation of the community in utilizing the services that have been provided. Awareness of the importance of regular health checks needs to be continuously encouraged so that the benefits of this program can be felt widely. Thus, the government’s efforts to create a healthier Indonesia can run optimally and have a real impact on the welfare of the people.

President Prabowo’s commitment to building a prevention-based health system is a progressive step in addressing health challenges in Indonesia. With strong synergy between the government, health workers, and the community, this Free Health Check program is expected to be an initial milestone in the transformation of national health services towards a better direction. In the future, the sustainability of this program needs to be continuously strengthened so that the vision of a Healthy Indonesia can be realized in real terms.

)* The author is a Social Observer

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