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Anti-Racism, Tolerance and Generation Z


By : Widya Caterine)*

 Jakarta – CIDISS. Generation Z is the generation born in the era 1990 onwards. This generation was born where the development of digital and independence era of thinking. The existence of diverse facilities make the generation in the Internet era into a generation that can easily access all the news that is informative and varied.

Understand embedded post-colonialism is a form of cultural diversity, and tolerant of diverse characters and social strata. The hybrid identity of the generation Z  make it more aware of diversity. Since a lot of adaptation to the culture, the diversity of backgrounds makes Z generations aware of the importance of anti-racism in themselves.

But in the era of the generation Z, rapid flow of information through the Internet also have a negative impact if not addressed wisely. Instead of being personally tolerant and anti-racism, can be influenced even a person who may be affected even intolerant radical ideology. Therefore, in such circumstances, the Z generation must be equipped and fortified with media literacy skills are good, so you can filter the information that can provoke and so forth.

Indeed, anti-racism, tolerance will grow in self-generation Z when supported by the environment both in the family, social and community environments.

Understand anti-racism awareness will grow high tolerance and positive impact on the progress of the state and nation’s first to make young people more sensitive and developing empathy for others.

)* The author is CIDISS Jakarta Contributor

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