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Make Successful 2019 Election by United Against the Hoax and Refuse Abstentions


By: Akbar Zuliandi (Blohger / Entrepreneur in Sumbawa, NTB)

The Indonesian democratic party will be held in April 2019. This event is a very important event considering that for the next five years, the Indonesian people will be led by people we choose during the election. However, there is one thing that has disturbed our minds up to now, namely the badness of cyberspace and social media because of the ease with which false news or hoaxes spread inside our smart phones.
Though this technological development should bring goodness to all Indonesian people, but there is just the opposite. The rise of hoax news has caused a lot of chaos, such as disputes between groups. Even in certain cases, fake news or hoaxes are able to make someone apathetic or ignorant of politics so that in the end he does not use his right not to vote for Golput.
This is certainly very disturbing because the fate and future of this nation for the next five years is truly at stake in this 2019 election event. If some people are reluctant to participate just because of the hoax, of course this is very unfortunate.
For this reason, while we still have the opportunity and strength, we must unite against hoaxes for the success of the 2019 elections that are peaceful and dignified and keep the Indonesian nation intact and maintained to guarantee the nation’s future through the ongoing sustainability of national development. Let’s fight hoaxes and reject Golput for the future towards advanced Indonesia. Don’t let this nation be divided by the only people who want to rule without hard work with their hobbies of making slander and hoax news.

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