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Sandiaga Failed to Understand About Handling the Stunting


By: Indah Indriyani *
The problem of stunting handling is a topic that is widely highlighted by various parties. Moreover, this is one of the topics which has been the subject of debate among the vice-presidential candidates between Ma’ruf Amin and Sandiaga Uno. Lena Maryana as Jokowi’s National Campaign Team (TKN) – Ma’ruf Amin, said that the statement issued by Kiai Ma’ruf about stunting made Sandiaga Uno seem to not master these health related problems.
Most people may not understand the term called stunting. Stunting is a problem of chronic malnutrition caused by a lack of nutritional intake for quite a long time, resulting in a disruption of growth in children, namely a child’s height is lower or shorter (dwarf) than the standard age.
In the last vice presidential debate, Sandiaga tried to cover up his failure to understand the issue of stunting by sharing his experience with his wife who had a child at 42 years of age. But, this does not give much influence because the statements made are related to the generation of gold.
“So the series of stories delivered jumped up and down, it was not clear to cover up his lack of understanding. This is different from the statement given by KH Ma’ruf Amin based on his understanding and experience which has been carried out by the government so far, “said Lena.
So, in this case he draws the conclusion that what was conveyed by the vice presidential candidate number 02 was unclear and had many holes.
“It’s just being said without us being able to be sure that it can be done,” he said.
During the vice presidential debate on Sunday, March 17 2019, Vice President Sandiaga talked about the prevention and reduction of stunting rates by leveraging his program when he became Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta.
“We believe that child nutrition will be better if we give a program between the education system where kindergarten and elementary school prepare milk and green beans like in Jakarta, which we run so that we can reduce stunting faster for the future of Indonesia to win,” said Sandiaga.
The white revolution program held by Sandiagaaga Uno was also highlighted by Vice President Jusuf Kala (JK). As a party that carries a lot of government programs in eradicating stunting, Jusuf Kala actually says that Stunting must be prevented since the baby is not born.
“Prevention of stunting begins at the time before giving birth instead, so that the mother is given a healthy intake, so the baby is born healthy,” explained JK.
JK explained, in addition to the womb, the most important time to prevent stunting is 3 years since the baby is born or approximately 1000 days. At that time, babies must be given adequate nutrition.
“First, it must be properly treated and given adequate intake, whether breast milk or breast milk substitutes are suitable for nutritious food. But also after that must be, because the growth of the child is not only 1000 days, “he said.
“So in toddlers to children also have to get good nutrition, because it also has to do with intelligence, has to do with the future of the child,” he added.
JK also always reminded, to prevent stunting needed by all parties including religious leaders, he even admitted that he would ask Ustadz Abdul Somad to campaign for prevention of stunting.
JK also said that stunting in Indonesia was in a vicious circle. Nutrition that is not suitable for toddlers will cause stunting. Stunting will then cause decreased intelligence and decreased intelligence, which causes poverty.

When Sandiaga offers white alms to reduce stunting for mothers who are not full of breastfeeding due to a number of factors such as age. Ma’ruf Amin said that his party would prepare the nutritional question before marriage. He also explained that the Jokowi – Jusuf Kalla government had succeeded in reducing stunting from 37 to 30 percent. Ma’ruf said that it needs more intensive efforts.
“It needs more intensive efforts, because stunting is not just a matter of health, but social, sanitation, nutrition,” said Ma’ruf while on the vice presidential debate stage.
Therefore, his party will provide social assistance so that the mothers are fulfilled their nutrition. In addition Ma’ruf also said that couples who want to get married will get guidance or education on nutrition since at KUA.
Stunting is a problem that requires cross-character collaboration in handling it, handling efforts alone is not enough to significantly reduce stunting rates, but preventive efforts also need to be done so that couples who want to get married have sufficient literacy regarding nutrition of children and toddlers.

  • The author is an observer in the field of health

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