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For the Sake of the Success of Indonesian Development Sustainability, Don’t be Afraid to Choose and be Provoked Hoax


Author: Haryo Sumantri *

During this time, General Elections in Indonesia often made the situation worry. This is none other than because politicians justify all means to obtain power without considering greater national interest. While elections in other democracies are in ways that prioritize quality issues without exploiting issues that can break unity.

Many politicians play with other ethnic, religious, and primordial sentiments, even intimidation and provocation to manipulate the public for their personal benefit so that the people’s apathy arises to choose and some are afraid to vote.

In the process, they spread a lot of hoaxes by discrediting government by raising hate issues through provocative speeches. There are also those who intentionally try to delegitimize the Election with accusations that can lead to conflict in the community.

One of the tools used for the above purposes is to deliberately spread hoaxes. There are many irresponsible people who make hoaxes or hoaxes to boost the popularity of their candidates who support and intimidate other supporters to be afraid to vote.

This is of course very detrimental to our democracy and the unity of a well-known and peaceful Indonesian nation. That is why the hoax movement must be echoed more in this country because without the 2019 election hoax it can run successfully and the sustainability program of national development is not just wishful thinking and discourse.

 For that, let us succeed in the 2019 election by fighting hoaxes and rejecting Golput and fighting intimidation without fear of choosing the best candidates who want to work hard for Indonesia’s progress. Let us succeed in the sustainability of Indonesia’s development by using our voting rights intelligently without Golput through the success of the continuation of national leadership, towards an increasingly advanced Indonesia.

*) Netizens from Ciamis, West Java

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