RAP 1123 posts 0 comments
By: Firza Ahmad) *
The government and all people are currently focusing on dealing with Covid-19 which is still happening. However, this effort was disrupted by the provocation of a!-->!-->!-->…
Job Creation Law Makes Investment easier
By: Lisa Pamungkas) *
The passing of the Job Creation Law has brought fresh air to Indonesia, especially in the investment sector. This law makes foreign!-->!-->!-->…
Community Supports Security Apparatus to Maintain Peace in Papua
By: Rebecca Marian) *
Papua is a beautiful and proud region in Indonesia, because of its exotic forests and sea. Unfortunately, the natural harmony there cannot impress the!-->!-->!-->…
Support Work Copyright Act Ket a hanan Economy National
By: Deka Prawira ) *
The Job Creation Law is a breakthrough for the Government in overcoming hyper regulation that inhibits investment. With the enactment of!-->!-->!-->…
Sinovac Vaccine Tested Effective and Safe
By: Dodik Prasetyo ) *
The good news comes from the Covid-19 vaccine, where the vaccine produced by Sinovac Bontech Ltd, Coronavac, has been proven effective in its final!-->!-->!-->…
Six Members of Militant Islamist Group Killed After Encounter with Police on Highway
By : Amanta S*
Jakarta Police said Use of Deadly Force was “measured”In the early hours of a couple of weeks ago, Front Pembela Islam (FPI), a controversial militant Islamist group!-->!-->!-->…
Job Creation Law Accelerates Job Opening
By: Lisa Pamungkas) *
Job opening is a serious matter, because since the pandemic 8 months ago, many people have become unemployed. Though this can add to new social!-->!-->!-->…
Beware, Many FPI Members Are Involved In Terrorism Cases
By: Raavi Ramadhan) *
FPI is again making headlines because some of their members have been proven to have joined the terrorist network. This latest discovery makes the!-->!-->!-->…
Society Needs Prokes Discipline, Covid-19 Is Still Ferocious
By: Danila Kusumawardhani ) *
The increasing number of corona patients requires the public to be even more disciplined in maintaining health and hygiene. Especially now that many!-->!-->!-->…
The referendum does not apply to Papua
By: Alfons Jigibalom ) *
The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a Pakistan-sponsored resolution that reaffirms the right to self-determination for peoples and nations subject to!-->!-->!-->…