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Anti-Terror Campaign in Social Media

social media engagement in the fight against terror
social media engagement in the fight against terror

By: Norman Triangga *)

Jakarta, CIDISS – Recently discourse terrorism and social media is often discussed, discussions related to the issue of terrorism is often associated with social media is considered to be one of the tools used to spread the ideology of terrorist networks even recruiting members. Terrorist networks utilizing social media to conduct ideological campaign covertly or overtly and massive.

For the fact, 90% of the activities of terrorist networks on the internet using social media. Terrorist networks utilizing social media as well as access to a broad and easy, they do not require large funds. Social media also allow the terrorist network to communicate directly with anyone who is being targeted dissemination of information. ISIS has entered a new phase by utilize of social media in their activities. Indonesia has proven to be very vulnerable to the spread of terrorism objectives of this new phase.

Social media has proven to be a powerful instrument to spread the ideology of terrorism. From a different viewpoint, social media can also be used as an instrument of terrorism prevention. Governments in many countries have a policy regarding the use of social media. The cooperation shown by service providers such as Twitter in suppressing the spread of terrorism in the social media network is a beginning of terrorism prevention.

Governments have been monitoring the various media to againts terrorist activity. However, various efforts sometimes collide with various groups advocating freedom of speech. For example, in early 2015 the Indonesian government to block various Internet sites deemed convey messages and ideologies that lead to terrorism. This effort by the Indonesian government has a support and criticism from people who feel the government has restricted freedom of speech.

The efforts to prevent and anticipate the development of terrorist groups must be done. People’s active participation in a virtual war against terrorism in social media is very noticeable when various status and condemn terrorism tweet appeared on social media. Condemnation of terrorism in social media is one way to restrict the spread of the message of terror among the people. Condemnation of terrorism was also attended by a wide range of information that made people increasingly aware of the potential recruitment by terrorist groups, it is implicit in the learning to the community in the prevention of terrorism.

All the advantages of social media which can be exploited by terrorist networks can be used by governments, communities, and institutions, to carry out a campaign against violence and save the young generation from the risks involved with terrorist networks. Let’s use our gadgets and social media as an peacefull account that againts terrorism. [NT]

*) CIDISS Contributor

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