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Anticipating Infringement of Religious Freedom


religious freedomBy: Ajeng Mufadillah)*

Central or local government needs to have a proper strategy to prevent the growth and development of attitudes of intolerance in urban areas. It is feared that if the government did not immediately prevented, infringement on freedom of religion and belief in the future will continue to increase, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

The concerns expressed Desk Coordinator of Freedom of Religion and Belief National Commission on Human Rights Jayadi Damanik. Jayadi said that certainly, compared to previous years, the trend of complaints in 2016 will increase by a massive pattern.

According Jayadi, from research Desk KBB Commission in 2016, in a number of County and City, intolerance tend to be more fertile in urban areas than in rural areas.

Jayadi also said that after going through the process of communication to build capacity for a year carried Desk KBB Commission to build bridges of understanding and views of various parties intolerance actors, especially governments, moderating it turned out to be more successful in urban areas than rural or countryside.

The last three years, added Jayadi, based on public complaints, violations KBB showed an increasing number. In 2014, the number of complaints recorded 74 cases of violations of KBB. Selannjutnya, 2015 the number of complaints increased to 87 cases.

KBB other forms of violation of which prohibit, impede and impair the house of worship. Also the attitude deter and disrupt the activities of religious discrimination on the grounds of religion / belief, intimidation, coercion conviction, omission, physical violence and criminalization arbitrary.

Unfortunately the achievements of law enforcement officers have not reached the ideal achievement. Law enforcement tend to be sharp in the minority, but the majority blunt.

To Section Partner Information Bureau Peoples, Public Relations Division, Police Headquarters Commissioner (Pol) Awi Setityono claimed, there are about 25 cases of intolerance that occurred last year. Trigger instances of intolerance that disrupt public order and safety have been identified, among others, because of differing interpretations of religion, the rejection of the establishment of houses of worship influenced the majority and minority groups as well as different tribal / indigenous.

In fact, intolerance occurs due to lack of religious sensitivities and government officials to crack down on violations of law committed religious organizations.

Intolerance can be prevented on self-awareness of each individual with the support of various parties ranging from community to central or regional governments. So as to minimize the infringement of rights concerning personal / individual. For the realization of the slogan of our Nation Unity in Diversity, have different but still one nevertheless.

*) The author is CIDISS contributor

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