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Apply Prokes Discipline in Face-to-face Learning


By: Afrizal )*

Face-to-face learning (PTM) has been going on for the last few months. Nevertheless, every student and teaching staff is required to always obey the Health Care Plan and follow vaccinations to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 in the school environment.

Corona makes students have to adapt to the situation. At the beginning of the pandemic, for several semesters they went online. When Covid-19 cases decline and there is a national vaccination, schools will reopen. Students may study directly in the school building, but must comply with health protocols.

When there is an increase in Corona cases, Prokes must be carried out again strictly. Schools that have implemented 100% PTM must obey Prokes and familiarize their students with maintaining a clean and healthy lifestyle. They also need to be vaccinated. This was stated by the spokesman for the Covid-19 Task Force Team, Professor Wiku Adisasmito.

Professor Wiku’s statement is very appropriate because in recent days Corona cases have soared, and the number of Covid-19 patients as of July 28, 2022 is 6,353 people. The high number of Corona cases in Indonesia is certainly worrying for fear of a fourth wave of Corona attacks. To avoid this, everyone must obey Prokes everywhere, including at school.

The process must be maintained even though the pandemic has existed since 2.5 years ago. Don’t neglect Prokes because Corona is very dangerous. The teachers always wear masks and remind students to wear masks too, don’t just wear a face shield. They also urge parents to bring spare masks, because their effectiveness is only a maximum of 4 hours.

In addition, the teachers arrange classes to keep their distance. When the room is rather limited and cannot divide the number of students into 2, then they are tricked by arranging the chairs proportionally. That way, there is a distance between students and they are more focused on listening to the lesson.

For kindergarten and elementary school students, keeping a distance is indeed a bit difficult, because at that age they like to play and have physical contact with their friends. However, teachers and parents always remind them to keep their distance and don’t touch their friends’ bodies during the pandemic.

The students were also told the reasons why they had to keep their distance, so that they understood and avoided physical contact. They were also educated as to what the characteristics of OTG (people without symptoms) are and if there are friends who are like that don’t touch their foreheads (to make sure their body temperature is hot or not). However, he was immediately taken to the UKS and sent home to be examined at the nearest lab.

The school must also be flexible. If there are students who have a fever or mild flu, do not be forced to come to class, but are allowed to rest at home. The slightest disease is very dangerous during a pandemic, so students must be kept healthy. If there is 1 student who gets Corona, the school is temporarily closed for 2 weeks and the building must be sterilized.

Another point in Prokes that must be adhered to is washing hands. This habit looks trivial because it ‘only’ wets hands with water. However, teachers are required to teach how to wash hands properly, at least 20 seconds, under running water, and use antiseptic soap. The school also facilitates by providing a sink or faucet that becomes a place for washing hands.

Professor Wiku added that the health protocol was not only implemented in schools. But also at home and on the way home and going to school. In a sense, the use of masks, hand sanitizers, and discipline in Prokes is always carried out anywhere. Don’t go to school, you just take off your mask.
Teachers and school employees also set an example to always maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle, as well as Prokes discipline. They realize that students will imitate what the teacher does, not just what is said. If everyone is disciplined in Prokes, they will avoid Corona.

Vaccination is also mandatory for students over the age of 6 years. Currently mass vaccinations have been held everywhere, from the village to the campus hall. However, the school can also hold mass vaccinations, if many students have not received the vaccine. The principal can contact the nearest hospital to find out how.

Discipline in implementing Prokes and vaccination is a powerful way to avoid the ferocity of Corona. When the Covid-19 case rose drastically, all parties, both students, teachers, and guardians of students, were united in obeying the Prokes. The pandemic is not over yet and Prokes must be adhered to, so that the teaching and learning process runs more smoothly and avoids the transmission of Covid-19

)* The author is a contributor to the Nusa Bangsa Institute

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