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Appreciate the Independent Young Papua Program


Putra Papua achieved an achievement by creating the Inspirational Young Papua program. This program encourages young people to become farmers, so that they are trained to become modern farmers. If there are many farmers, food security in Indonesia, especially Papua, will be safe.

Today’s young people rarely have the desire to be farmers. On average they want to become civil servants or private employees. The farmer profession is considered less elite because of the dirtiness of the land. Yet if there is no farmer regeneration, who will cultivate the fields and gardens? Because we cannot depend on imported food products.

To solve this problem, the government created the Indonesian Millennial Farmers program. Presidential Special Staff Billy Mambrasar stated that in the West Papua region, the Inspirational Young Papua Movement in the Manokwari region was the main driver of this program. Then the Minister of Agriculture, Yasin Limpo, will be mentored.

Billy Mambrasar continued, the Inspirational Young Papua Movement, led by Simon Tabuni, was chosen because it had many positive impacts. Because one of his assistants, namely Anggi Mart, managed to get an award from the Governor. Anggi Mart is the driving force for overcoming food security problems in Manokwari.

Anggi mart is a shop selling fresh vegetables and fruit in the Manokwari area. Besides selling kale, corn and other vegetables, they also sell onions. The anggi mart shop was chosen to be a pioneer, because they worked together with mothers in Papua who were called Mama. Mama is the one who manages the garden and Anggi’s party who sells it via social media.

With the help of this shop, the mothers in Manokwari will no longer have difficulty selling their garden products. Because Anggi mart helps market it. Their mission is to help mothers stay productive, even though it is still a pandemic. In addition, the products sold are guaranteed fresh. So that the more convincing consumers.

The Inspirational Young Papua Movement is very good because in addition to empowering mothers in Papua, they also encourage sustainability. So that this program will continue to be sustainable, and mothers will continue to be enthusiastic at work. This movement also encourages young people to continue to be creative and innovative.

Although currently they are still at the marketer level, it is not impossible to go to producers, aka farmers. Because agricultural science will get better when it is practiced directly. A modern farmer will master how to grow vegetables, fruit and other plants, as well as market and process them. So it will be more expensive when sold.

Meanwhile, Indonesian Young Farmers is a government program that will create 2.5 million new farmers. Because the number of young people who want to cultivate rice fields, land and gardens is very small. So they need this program, so that they want to be cool modern farmers and make lots of money.

President Jokowi thinks that farmer regeneration is very good. Because young children are the driving force to return to the fields. With their intelligence, they are able to predict the weather and seasons, cultivate land with modern tools, and market it via social media. So that the reach of consumers will be even wider.

In Manokwari there is great potential for growing vegetables, because the soil conditions are suitable. So that when Papua Muda Mandiri became the pioneer of Indonesian Young Farmers, they could be a good example for other regions. The Cendrawasih Earth region will be more advanced, because its young people understand modern agriculture and digital marketing knowledge.

Young people in Papua can be trained to be reliable farmers and marketers. The government created the Indonesian Young Farmers program and appointed the Papua Muda Mandiri program as a pioneer. Because they are able to do something to overcome the problem of food security in Manokwari, West Papua, and they are expected to overcome similar problems throughout Papua.

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