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Community Supports the Expansion of Papua


Community Supports the Expansion of Papua
By: Moses Waker) *
The Governor of West Papua Province Dominggus Mandacan has pushed for the rooting of the new autonomous region (DOB) of Southwest Papua Province which the people of the Sorong Raya region have been fighting for for about 12 years. The community also supports the expansion of the region which provides many benefits for the people.
The discourse on the expansion of the Papua region continues to receive positive responses, one of which comes from the Governor of West Papua Province Dominggus Mandacan. Chairperson of the Team for the Acceleration of Expansion for Southwest Papua Province candidates, Lambert Jitmau said, Governor Dominggus’ support was evidenced by the issuance of the Decree of the Governor of West Papua Number 125/72/3/2020 concerning the Approval for the Establishment of the province of Southwest Papua as Southwest Papua province on March 12, 2020, and the Decree has been submitted to the President through the Minister of Home Affairs and to the relevant ministries and agencies.
Lambert said that the Decree of the Governor of West Papua was intended to complete or fulfill and update the documents needed in the context of the formation of the New Autonomous Region of the Southwest Province. This is because the main requirement for the expansion of the new autonomous region of West Papua Province is to get approval from the Governor of West Papua Province because the regions that will become the Southwest Papua region (DOB) are currently in the territory of West Papua Province.
Lambert also explained that in the Governor’s decree, the Chairperson of the Acceleration Team was the Mayor of Sorong, the Deputy Chair was the Regent of South Sorong, the Team Secretary was the Regent of Tambrauw, the Deputy Secretary was the Regent of Raja Ampat, the Treasurer was the Regent of Maybrat and the Deputy Treasurer was the Regent of Sorong.
The team formed by the Governor is a legitimate team to fight for the Southwest Papua New Guinea. It was said that the team had worked optimally and had conducted various hearings with the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Political, Legal and Security Affairs, and Commission II of the DPR RI to encourage the expansion of the DOB.
The policy for the expansion of Papua is one of the government’s efforts to accelerate development in Papua. Moreover, in Papua there are still many who are classified as underdeveloped areas. In the expansion plan in Papua, the Government has also involved various parties including the indigenous Papuan people, the government has also involved various parties including the indigenous Papuan people.
If you look at the breadth and geographic conditions of Papua, it does need expansion, but its implementation should be gradual and still have to prioritize the needs of the community. Do not let the expansion of this region only become a particular political elite need. The public needs to be invited to dialogue to determine this. Meanwhile, the need for a special agency to oversee and evaluate the implementation of the special autonomy fund.
The division of the Papua region will not have a bad impact on the Papuan people and will not necessarily lead to a discourse of disintegration. However, the division of a province in eastern Indonesia must also pay attention to the needs of the community so that they can feel the welfare after the division of Papua. This was expressed by a member of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) from West Papua, Filep Wamafma when speaking in the webinar series of the Center for Humanitarian Studies and Development (PSKP) with the theme “the positive potential of expansion for Papua”
Filep said, never be afraid of the expansion issue. It would be wrong to think of pemekaran as an option in preventing disintegration. Papua is the final NKRI. If the main spirit of Special Autonomy (Otsus) in Papua is already fearful and contains efforts to prevent disintegration, then it should be understood by the government. Therefore, he asked that there be no discrimination, especially for indigenous Papuans. The Papuan people are the main stakeholders whose wishes must be followed.
Meanwhile, Acting Head of Sub-Directorate for Special Autonomy 1, Directorate General of Regional Autonomy at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Kuswanto stated that fair and equitable development in regional expansion will prevent disintegration efforts. Community involvement in realizing the division of Papua must indeed involve the community, because later it must also pay attention to the boundaries of customary territories, there must be a customary session regarding the location of customary land and the rights of indigenous peoples.
Moreover, in article 76 of Law Number 35 of 2008, which states that the policy for the expansion of a new province in Papua, must be carried out with the approval of the Papuan People’s Assembly (MRP) and the Papua People’s Representative Council (DPRP) after paying close attention to socio-cultural unity, readiness of natural resources. and economic capacity and future development. Pemekaran in Papua can of course provide benefits for the development of Papua, however, there are several rules of the game whereby the central and regional governments must involve the community and traditional leaders in Papua.

) * The author is a Papuan student living in Gorontalo

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