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Avoid the Hoax Virus and Support the Handling of the Covid-19 Pandemic


Hoax about Covid-19 is a threat that can hinder the handling of national Covid-19. Citizens are also invited to participate in warding off the virus and continue to support the Government in dealing with the spread of the Corona virus in Indonesia.

PT Bio Farma’s Covid-19 Vaccine Spokesperson, Bambang Herianto, today provides clarification regarding hoax information circulating in the community which states that the Covid-19 vaccine to be used is a vaccine for clinical trials.

On the occasion of the press conference, Bambang confirmed that the Covid-19 vaccine, which is currently at Bio Farma and will be used for the later vaccination program, will use vaccines that have obtained permission to use from BPOM, so that the packaging will be different from the vaccines used for the need for clinical trials.

Corovac packaging for clinical trials uses pre-filled syringe packaging or commonly abbreviated as PFS, where the packaging and syringes are in one package. Meanwhile, the vaccines to be used for the government vaccination program are packaged in the form of a vial dose and there will be no marking “only for clinical trial” because they have obtained a license to use.

On this occasion, Bambang also clarified the hoax related to vero cell articles circulating in the community.

Bambang explained that the Covid-19 vaccine made by Sinovac does not contain vero cells or vero cells, because vero cells are only used as a culture medium for the growth and growth media for the virus for the virus propagation process as raw material for vaccines. If culture media are not used, the virus will die so that it cannot be used for vaccine production.

After obtaining a sufficient amount of virus, it will be separated from the growth media and these vero cells will not participate or be carried away in the final process of making the vaccine. Thus, in the final product of the vaccine, it is certain that it will no longer contain these vero cells.

On a different occasion, Spokesperson for the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Prof. Wiku Adisasmito explained that young people need to be involved to represent the millennial community and can be an example.

Currently, there have been many professional shifts that have been adapted to the needs of the times. All professions related to technology and digitalization are currently developing.

So that anyone, from students to dosesn, has the same opportunity to become a content creator. Moreover, this positive content can be used as a comparison when hoax news is actually trusted by the public.

The Director General of Social Empowerment of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Edi Suharto, also invited millennials to take part in handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

Edi said that historically, independence cannot be separated from the important role of youth groups.

Currently, where the Indonesian nation is facing a pandemic, the millennial generation or young people certainly need to take part by becoming the motor of reinforcing social solidarity.

On different occasions, Youtuber and content creator Bayu Skak asked the millennial generation not to think oddly about the Covid-19 vaccine.

He conveyed this appeal after receiving the Covid-19 vaccination at the Grahadi State Building, Surabaya.

Bayu Skak said that representing millennials hoped that everyone would not have different thoughts about vaccines that didn’t know anything.

Even though he has received the vaccine, the young man born in Malang hopes that millennials will remain obedient and disciplined in implementing health protocols. Among them, wearing a mask, washing hands, maintaining distance.

The director and actor in the Yowis Ben film admits that he is not afraid to undergo vaccinations, but he admits that he feels pounding with the vaccine syringe that will be injected into his arm.

Regarding the rampant hoax news about the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine used by the government. Bayu admitted that he was not worried. To anticipate this, he chose to seek information about vaccines through trusted official sources.

After undergoing vaccination, Bayu Skak plans to make an educational video related to the covid-19 vaccine as an effort to prevent the transmission of covid-19.

Hoaxes on the Internet appear nearly every second, so that the promoted cyber patrols are still overwhelmed by checking for allegedly heretical content.

Of course, apart from being skeptical of the ‘splashy’ news, we can also play a role in supporting the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic by spreading positive content so that negative content can sink.

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