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Be a Superior Generation by Fighting Hoaxes in 2019 Elections for the Success of National Leadership Sustainability


By : Dinar Kusumantri

In a few years, the future of leadership in this country will be converted to millennial generations. Therefore, it needs a superior millennium generation so that the future of this country really goes in a better direction.

One way to make millennials a superior generation is to invite them to fight hoaxes. Hoax itself is fake news. Currently there are so many hoax news circulating in cyberspace. Moreover, in 2019 this is the political year in Indonesia to determine who will lead Indonesia for the next five years.

It can be said that general elections are a place that determines Indonesia’s future in a period of leadership. The spread of hoaxes cannot be separated from the political interests of certain camps. Many are competing to spread hoaxes for. attract the attention of the masses so that their chosen and supporting partner wins. Spreading hoax issues is a dirty way of campaigning that really has to be eradicated.

A general election should not be won using a dirty method. 2019 Election is a noble event and for noble goals as well. Therefore, we need to use clean methods. Hoax spreaders should not be left alone because it can disturb peace in the life of nation and state.

As the foundation of the Indonesian nation in the future, millennial generations must be aware of the importance of eradicating hoaxes. If the next generation of this country has been aware of this, then we can hope that this 2019 election can run fairly and with dignity. Thus the national leadership sustainability program can still be implemented. Let us pray for the success of the 2019 elections that are peaceful and dignified without hoaxes for the success of national development sustainability through the sustainability of national leadership.

The author is a Student in Ciamis

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