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Conditional Leave of Chief Editor of the Obor Rakyat Canceled


By: Alfian Rainal Chaniago

Directorate General of PAS Ministry of Law and Human Rights Kemenkumham canceled conditional leave to the editor in chief of the Obor Rakyat Tabloid, Setiyardi Budiono. As a result, Setiyardi still had to huddle behind the bars of the East Jakarta Cipinang Penitentiary Correctional Institution, and was unable to attend the launch of the tabloid ‘Obor Rakyat.

Head of Public Relations Ade Kusmanto confirmed this, “Yes it was canceled. Its activities are considered disturbing the community, “he said.

Ahmad Baidowi as the TKN National Campaign Team Jokowi – Ma’ruf then commented on the cancellation of conditional leave for the Obor Rakyat Editor. His party considered that Kemenkumham had the authority to cancel Setiyardi’s conditional leave if there were conditions that were not met.

“Yes, it’s called conditional leave. There is one condition that must be fulfilled. That is, the guarantee of not escaping, not committing an act that violates the law again, does not eliminate evidence, “he said.

The news was also conveyed by Setiyardi through his Facebook page. He reported that he could not attend the Obor Rakyat Reborn event because he had to return to Cipinang Prison.

“I could not attend the Obor Rakyat Reborn program, today I returned to Cipinang Prison. “The government canceled my conditional leave, in the letter given I was considered unsettling,” Setiyardi wrote in his post.

He also conveyed information on the launch of the Obor Rakyat still running. He ensures that the team continues to work to illuminate people’s common sense. Previously, the Obor Rakyat Reborn brochure circulated, which reported that the ‘Obor Rakyat’ tabloid would be published again. In the outstanding People’s Reborn Torch brochure, the editor of the tabloid described promising exclusive interviews with Rizieq Shihab.

Previously, the Obor Rakyat Tabloid was published in the 2014 Presidential Election (Pilpres) and the content on the tabloid contained negative propaganda about Joko Widodo. The tabloid was then entangled in criminal matters so that his leader was convicted in 2016.

On another occasion, the Press Council requested that the Obor Rakyat tabloid be verified and registered before being relaunched.

“If those friends want to manage journalistic products, obey the process, the legal entity first, ask for the Press Council to be verified, participate in the Competency test and so on. If you have fulfilled it, have tried to obey the journalistic code of ethics, the contents should not be provocative and so on, “Yosep Adi said, always the Chair of the Press Council.

 The Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) also does not remain silent about the re-publication of the Obor Rakyat Tabloid, it will continue to monitor and supervise the activities of the Obor Rakyat if it is re-published. This was stated by Bawaslu member Rahmat Bagja, when asked by the media crew regarding the launch of the Obor Rakyat Reborn Tabloid. Not only that, it also stated that if the Obor Rakyat Tabloid proved to contain slander, it would process according to the applicable legislation. But Bagja hopes there are no violations committed.

“We do supervision. Later, if it is proven, for example, there are bor Obor Rakyates ’, slander is proven, yes we can process This can be punished, in 2014 because it contains all slander. We hope not now, “he said.

Bagja also added that the Bawaslu could take action through an integrated law enforcement center (Gakkumdu).

PDI-P politician Ganjar Pranowo has also given instructions to his cadres in the area to install eyes and ears related to the planned publication of the Obor Rakyat magazine. Because, the Obor Rakyat magazine is a media that contains slander and hoax content about Jokowi. The direction of the Jokowi – Ma’ruf TKN territory is actually not a problem if the contents of the Obor Rakyat Magazine content if it later contains criticism of the government. However, if the content is in the form of slander and hoaxes, then Ganjar and his cadres will take action.

In line with Ganjar Pranowo, Ace Hasan also argued that the presidential election should not be filled with the spread of hoaxes or hoaxes. He stressed, all opinions must be based on facts and accurate data.

“Freedom of opinion, freedom to express ideas should be based on facts and accurate data. “It is not the pursuit of opinion whose purpose is to incite the people,” he said.

Regarding the cancellation of conditional leave from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) addressed to the editor-in-chief of the Obor Rakyat, Ace hoped that this would provide a deterrent effect to Setiyardi not to do the same.

Former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court MK Mahfud MD stated that the plan for the publication of the Reborn Obor Rakyat was suspect, because of the possibility of a tendency to discredit someone. So the publication of the tabloid must be supervised from now on as well. The party also added that the publication of the Obor Rakyat Reborn was possible because of the motivation for the April 2019 Election.

“Whatever the motivation is, because of the election or because of what, if it’s a hoax that must be captured by the police, because the police have a way to find and have techniques to explore the substance, whether this is a hoax or not. Have technology to find a way, “he concluded.

The Obor Rakyat provides learning for the public, that hoax news does not have any advantages, in fact, despite the news that Jokowi was a puppet presidential candidate, he and his partner Jusuf Kalla were elected and defeated Prabowo-Hatta candidate pair.

* The author is an alumni of Andalas University

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