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Beware of Online Classes Infiltrated by Radicalism


By: Dodik Prasetyo) *

Pandemic Covid-19 has made seminars or workshops turned into virtual meetings. This event is often called a webinar or online class. This apparently was also used by radical groups to spread their understanding.

        Propaganda of radical groups is now spreading and bringing coolness to certain groups of people, especially groups of young people and students who are still experiencing anxiety and concern about their identity. Moreover, this group is mostly still weak economically, juridically and politically (disappointed with the democratic system).

This community disappointment is caused by the existence of politicians who only make false promises, so that the political victims are targeted by radical groups to build an imagined community that accommodates the disappointment of people who are disappointed with democracy to fight official government.

This disappointment collection is of course facilitated by the internet and social media. Disappointment towards the government also seems to have an impact on growing skepticism about the country’s identity.

KH Khariri Makmun Lc, MA as Deputy Executive Director of the International Conference of Islamic Scholars (ICIS) said, so that people remain aware of the existence of online classes of radicalism that are growing at the present time.

He considered that BNPT needs to oversee the movement of radical groups, especially in online media. Because now with the zoom application, they can just make online classes to spread their understanding.

This is in view of the rapid development of technology which makes it easier to communicate and disseminate information.

The Al-Azhar Cairo University alumni said, once the radical groups learned through the internet independently through google, now they can now use teachers through online classes.

The winner of the Master’s degree from Ulum Islamiyah University Wal Arabiyah Damascus, Syria also conveyed the importance of religious moderation to make room for other people of different understanding or different religions.

He also encouraged the government to continue to make efforts to prevent the spread of radical understanding in the midst of technological progress.

The former Syrian Rais in Japan in the 2004-2006 period considered that when a person could understand his religion well, he would automatically be able to accept the Pancasila correctly. This reminds us that the values ​​contained in Pancasila are in line with Islamic teachings.

The problem is that these radical groups experience problems in terms of understanding religious teachings, so that when religion is juxtaposed in a political and state context, there is something missing from their understanding. This then raises the seeds of intolerance, radicalism and even terrorism.

In addition, radicalism is a teaching of thought that is not in accordance with the teachings of Islam. The existence of a distorted thought is caused by an imperfect understanding and not deep.

Understanding of Pancasila must be widely echoed, that Pancasila is a state ideology that is final and in line with what is taught by Islam.

In the first precepts of Godhead, this precepts are a mirror of monotheism. Then the second precepts of a fair and civilized humanity which in Islam means al-insaniyah.

Then the precepts of Indonesian unity which in the Qur’an are called wa’tasimu bihabillahi jami’an waf tafarraqu which means we are united, don’t be scattered.

The fourth precept, democracy led by wisdom in the deliberative deliberations. In the Qur’an it is called as-shura which means deliberation. And the five precepts of social justice for all Indonesian people, where the Qur’an mentions al-is what justice means.

This understanding certainly shows that the Pancasila formulations are in harmony with religious goals. So that the values ​​of Pancasila must be maintained as a state ideology that does not need to be clashed with religious values, because from the beginning the Pancasila was formulated, the Indonesian founding father had received an agreement from the scholars.

On a different occasion, Deputy Chairperson of the Institute for Friendship of Islamic Organizations (LPOI) Yusnar said, so that Muslims in Indonesia could again bring hospitality to the people of Indonesia. This is an effort to maintain unity and unity among fellow citizens of this nation against other nations.

Disappointment with the country’s leader does not mean that we hate the ideology and foundation of the state. Because NKRI and Pancasila are final and cannot be contested.

  • The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

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