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Beware of Provocation for 3 Period Presidential Positions


By: Andriani Zakaria) *

Amien Rais again made a scene by saying that President Jokowi would serve three terms. The public is asked to be aware of this because the President has firmly rejected a three-term position.

The founder of the Ummat Party Amien Rais said there would be a scenario to change the provisions in the 1945 constitution regarding the presidential term from two terms to three terms.

              According to Amien, the plan to change these provisions will be carried out by holding a Special Session of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) to amend or amend the 1945 Constitution.

              The former PAN politician suspected that the government would take the first steps to ask the MPR Special Session which might have 1-2 articles which he said needed to be corrected.

              After the Special Session is held, proposals will emerge to change the term of office of the president from two terms to three terms. However, later a new article will be offered which can give the right that the president can be elected 3 times.

              Amien said that this scenario emerged because there was public opinion that showed which direction President Jokowi’s administration saw in its future.

Through Amien Rais Official’s Youtube channel, the former chairman of the MPR said that Jokowi wanted to control all high-ranking institutions in Indonesia.

              He admitted that he had caught a political signal or a scenario that led to President Jokowi being re-elected for up to three terms. According to him, there are political maneuvers currently being carried out by the government to secure all state institutions, starting from the DPR, MPR, DPD and other state institutions.

              Amien Rais’ accusation is certainly not fundamental, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Human Rights (Menko Polhumkam). Mahfud MD explained that President Jokowi did not agree with the terms of office for the president and vice president to be changed to three terms.

              Meanwhile, the main expert at the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Donny Gahral Adian asked Amien Rais to be careful about the issue of changing the presidential term into 3 terms which was pointed at the government.

              This is because Jokowi has expressed rejection of the proposed extension of the presidential term. So that Amien Rais should not only say that the discourse of speculation can become slander.

              Donny said that the issue of extending his term of office was based on mere speculation. He did not know Amien Rais’ motive for bringing back this issue.

              President Jokowi has also emphasized that he will be guided by the 1945 constitution, which states that the president will serve a maximum of two terms. Of course the constitution must be used as a guideline.

              On a different occasion, Ade Irfan Pulungan as the Chief Expert of the KSP said that Amien Rais did not have facts and evidence for his argument.

              Ade also asked Amien Rais not to always prejudice the government or play one another against each other.

              He said, whoever accuses Jokowi of having the desire to serve three terms, of course this accusation is a misleading accusation.

              Of course, we do not know for sure what the motive of Amien Rais’ accusation that led to this provocation, whether he intends to seek face or does he intend to discredit Jokowi because Amien Rais has not been able to move on after the 2019 presidential election.

              Regarding provocation, Amien Rais has had his actions even from 2019. Indonesian people of course can still access news about people’s power calls which are considered to be against the law and irresponsible.

              In fact, as a senior politician, Amien Rais should have set a good example to the public and not have made various provocations that upset the situation.

              PSI politician Grace Natalie had previously said that Amien Rais’ attitude was dangerous for state security. The figure of Amien Rais is even considered not to provide a good role model for young politicians in Indonesia.

              However, this commotion should not be provoked by the public, because currently Indonesia is still facing the Covid-19 Pandemic which does not yet have an end point.

              Political conditions in Indonesia are not all right, so what is needed is tactical steps and healthy discussions to solve the problem, not by spreading provocation which actually adds to the uproar.

              Even if what Amien Rais has done has the aim of increasing the prestige of his new party, of course this is very understandable, so that the new party he has founded can win votes in the upcoming elections.

) * The author is a citizen living in Semarang

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