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Bogor Cleric Supports Veil Ban


By: Muhammad Zaki *

The discourse related to the ban on the use of niqab or veil in the ASN environment by the Minister of Religion Fachrul Razi apparently received a response from various groups, not least the scholars or Kiai in Bogor, who responded positively to the discourse. Especially in government agencies that have a function as public services. Bogor Regency MUI leader KH Mukri Aji claimed to agree with the discourse rolled by the Minister of Religion, insofar as it was done for the benefit, because according to him, not the majority did such a thing (such as cone pants and wearing veils in government agencies).

Indeed, in the past civilian officials who did not use circumvented trousers were not found, of course this should not be interpreted as a general prohibition, this prohibition was intended indeed for civil servants to remain in compliance with existing regulations. Positive remarks on the discourse also came from the branch of the Nahdlatul Ulama Bogor City Ust Turmudi Hudri. He admitted that he agreed if the rules were applied. He said that our culture of Indonesia must of course be adjusted to that of Indonesia. If the veil or trousers are usually Arab culture. Because there the situation is different from what is in Indonesia.

Of course this requires study, so as not to create a stir among the people. Do not let this discourse then mention that the government is anti against the people who use fringe and veil pants. But we also need to know, that ASN has its own rules of dress. So that it cannot be arbitrary because there are provisions, for example Monday or other days. Logically, anyone who wants to become a civil servant / ASN must already be prepared for the consequences of rules that must be obeyed as servants of the state. The discourse on the prohibition of the veil and the pants itself certainly has nothing to do with matters of aqeedah or radicalism, but purely regulations aimed at the state civil apparatus.

The Chairman of the Central Java MUI, Daroji, said that currently the rules forbidding the veil had become the duty of the head of government to implement it in the interests of each OPD. According to him, there is no relationship between the use of the veil with the level of one’s faith. Because, it is merely worldly affairs. So that each ASN must follow the rules in its office. This discourse also received a positive response from the Government of the City of Bogor, West Java, where ASNs were not permitted to use the veil during working hours. Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto claimed to follow instructions from the center.

The deputy mayor of Bogor, Dedie Rachim, said that he had never even seen a civil servant in Bogor who was found wearing a veil during business hours. He also chose to follow the policies of the center. Meanwhile, the Ministry of State Apparatus and Bureaucracy Reform (Kemenpan-RB) prohibits all employees from using the veil during working hours. The state civil servants (ASN) must use uniforms in accordance with existing regulations. Menpan-RB Tjahjo Kumolo, also said, although it prohibits the use of the veil on ASN in his ministry, but he also does not prohibit his employees from using the veil outside working hours. This is the right of each individual in determining the style of dress.

This discourse certainly needs a study, but it turns out that the prohibition of veils in the ASN environment is also not without reason, the Professor of Interpretation of the Surakarta IAIN, Prof. Nashrudin, stated that he agreed on the ban. He said that what is dangerous is when someone wears a veil but it turns out he is a man who wants to commit a crime. Of course it would be very dangerous if the veil is used to cover the face so it is very vulnerable to be misused.

He also gave an example, in educational institutions such as the campus. Students should not wear the veil, especially during exams. This will certainly make it difficult for supervisors when they are matching photos on the test card with faces hiding behind the veil. He also explained that the rules in Islam only said that a woman’s body was allowed to open only the face and palms. So the use of the veil is not an obligation. The discourse certainly does not need to be destroyed, especially if someone who wants to become a civil servant should be ready for all applicable regulations.

) * The author is a social political observer

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