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Full of Political Interests, 212 Reunions Must Be Rejected


By: Muhammad Zaki *

The Great Reunion 212 drew protests, because it was considered to contain a political agenda. In fact, it was reportedly also invited the FPI frontman, Habieb Rizieq. As before, this event was considered to be politically nuanced, especially after the end of the 2019 elections. This event was also considered as a way to maintain support for the group 212. The news of the agenda entitled the Great Akbar 212 reunion was considered as an activity that contained politics. So that some parties feel disturbed by this action (again). Moreover, FPI frontman with various cases, Habib Rizieq also reportedly was invited to the event.

Previously, the 212 Alumni Association (PA) had planned to hold a 212 Alumni reunion located at the National Monument (Monas), later on December 2, 2019. It stated that this activity was an annual routine agenda. Slamet Maarif as General Chair of PA 212 stated that the reunion plan was being finalized and discussed. The 212 alumni reunion plan is also widely heard through social media. A number of posters of the reunion event on social media said that if the event was titled “Munajat for State Safety: Maulid Agung along with Alumni Reunion 212. Also written” Insya Allah, it will be attended by IB – HRS. The word refers to one name namely, High Priest Habib Rizieq Shihab.

PA 212 Spokesperson The Bamukmin novel is suspected of not wanting to speak up regarding its implementation. He only stated that the event was a routine activity. In addition, he also did not deign to answer when asked whether the purpose of holding this event. Only answer briefly if the activity is just an annual agenda, which will be held a press conference 2 weeks earlier. Meanwhile, Chairman of the GNPF Ulema Yusuf Martak also said that the event was still under discussion. And the implementation will be carried out routinely every year. With regard to everything new will be boiled.

Initially Action 212 started on December 2, 2016 ago. At that time, a mass led by the GNPF Ulama urged that the Governor of DKI Jakarta at that time, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama alias Ahok, be legally processed because it was considered to have committed religious defamation. After the action a number of figures immediately formed the 212 Alumni Brotherhood and also reunited in 2017 and 2018. It was also reported that they gave their support to Prabowo Subianto at the 2019 Presidential Election then through the Ijtimak Ulama.

The news related to the planned presence of Rizieq Shihab in the 212 alumni reunion, Rizieq’s attorney, Sugito Atmo Pawiro could not provide certainty. He hopes that Rizieq can go home.
At another time, the Chairman of PA 212 Media Center Novel Bamukmin said that his party would continue to invite Governor Anies Baswedan at the 212 grand reunion event. In addition, it was also mentioned, the novel will invite several political figures. However, he was reluctant to elaborate on the guest list in this event. Previously, he firmly would not hold the Gerindra Party chairman who is now the Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto. The novel says that inviting Anies has been on the agenda year after year.

Prabowo, who initially became a central figure in the organization, now Novel does not want to be associated with him anymore. He added that he did not understand whether or not the Defense Minister would attend. He said again, there was no discussion related to this matter.
The former UN cadre said that the 212th Action Reunion would begin with evening prayers, then dawn prayers in congregation, and do not forget remembrance and prayer. Which will then be connected with the anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, while the lecture is planned to be filled by Rizieq Shihab.

As ever, anything related to Habib Rizieq – 212 has always been a pro and a contra. Statement after statement that impressed “wishy-washy” made a number of parties doubted the event. As stated previously there was no political agenda and purely annual events. However, after the time has passed, the executor will invite a number of political figures, including the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan. Then, what is the true essence of this series of activities. If the original is only a routine reunion, why should there be political parties and their figures. Moreover, it must include HRS who reportedly still cannot go home. In spite of all the arguments and news circulating, it is true that this event was banned because it contained a political agenda therein.

) * The author is a social political observer

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