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Budi Gunawan’s Gait Successes Securing President Jokowi’s Work Visit in Papua


By: Muhammad Zaki )*

The smooth visit of President Jokowi to Papua and West Papua is inseparable from the optimal role of the Head of the State Intelligence Agency, Budi Gunawan. The man who is familiarly called BG is considered successful in anticipating potential security disturbances ahead of President Jokowi’s visit. In fact, his figure was accompanying President Jokowi’s Working Visit to ensure the maintenance of security stability in Papua.

The success of a plan is largely influenced by people who work invisible or “behind the scenes”. Although the performance of these people is not caught by the media, their work is able to influence the smooth running of the event. BG’s name, Budi Gunawan, a head of the State Intelligence Agency is in the spotlight. His success in the security procession of the President’s visit to the land of Papua has drawn much praise.

One of them is the figure of the boss of the country’s Intelligence Agency which is popularly known as BG. Maybe this BG might not get the attention of many other Jokowi cabinet fillers. However, his position as the boss of an intelligence agency made him unable to perform with a lot of camera lights. However, his name during the last few times is often referred to as a reliable negotiator.

BG’s role as a negotiator can actually be traced long before the 2019 Presidential Election reconciliation discourse. Reports from a number of media also mentioned that he was involved in the Jokowi vice presidential agreement in 2014 ago. At that time, BG was also reported to be the party used by Jusuf Kalla (JK) to approach the PDIP Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri to move forward as Jokowi’s running mate. Even though the report is denied by BG, it can be a picture that BG is often a mediator in various political affairs in the country and can be relied upon.

The ability of a capable negotiator is also shared by political observers, Ireng Maulana. According to him BG and his staff were said to have succeeded in bringing together 61 Papuan leaders with the president some time ago. Including BG also present at the dialogue event. Ireng said that he was sure, before this request list had appeared first, namely through risk calculation and threat scale from the analysis of the Intelligence Agency.

The presence of this BG is called Ireng as a different process. Because, in this special scale meeting only positioned important officials to accompany the head of state. Thus, the presence of the head of BIN was able to be interpreted as a rebuttal of concern. What is believed by many parties is that if the riot settlement approach approach, infiltrated by unscrupulous rebels, will be resolved through a consolidation path.

In addition, the presence of BG is not only valued as a connecting bridge but is able to confirm a number of things with details including; The first is, the president’s decision in response to requests from 61 Papuan leaders. In the form of decisions based on intelligence analysis products that can provide conceptual insight in making a decision.

Second, the production of intelligence information will provide certainty in consideration and recommendations to the president to decide on the objectives of securing the administration of government. Third, it is able to emphasize that the relationship between intelligence and decision-making is key in securing the country’s interests. Thus, this intelligence agency can be factual in order to maintain legitimate decision making.

BG’s role as a reliable mediator is also believed by many parties to have the ability to build a fairly qualified network among politicians. This was reflected when he was nominated as National Police Chief in 2015. He is able to provide optimal security to provide support to the Parliament. His ability to negotiate is often seen as a skill that must be possessed in leadership.

The article quoted Jay A. Conger, a professor from London Business School. The ability to build networks and negotiations is a crucial part of lateral leadership. This lateral leadership is able to make BG successfully bridge the two fierce competitors in the 2019 Presidential Election. This can be confirmed that the four-star police general was indeed quite influential in the vortex of the political elite in the archipelago.

In conclusion, the presence of BG openly in the meeting with 61 figures in Bumi Cendrawasih can be said as one of the good and constructive attitudes. Apart from that, it deserves appreciation because it has shown the face of a telik code organization to the public with a valid and capable action for accountability. In addition, the expertise of the BG is considered to help the performance of the head of state and his government for the next five years.

)* The author is a social political observer

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