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Build The Spirit Of Nationalism From The Border


By: Sandy Arifin)*

Interprate independence day The Republic of Indonesia dated August 17, 1945 is done in various ways by all societies. In this regard, the Government continues to strive for the development and improvement of the welfare of the community through various programs that have been prepared and implemented, tok realize the ideas the founders of the nation. Besides aimed at development in Indonesia in general, other mission which is currently being carried out by the government is the centralization of most the development in the border region and outer islands to make the area as the front page of the house the Republic of Indonesia, so that the outer border areas and outer islands Can reflect the welfare in Indonesia as a whole.

The spirit of government in accelerating development in the outer islands and border areas of course must be supported by mental charater building. This is the most important factor determining the success of government programs, in realizing the development of infrastructure and improving the level of welfare itself. Various dynamics of problems that occur in the border region actually reflects the mental of every individual in his community. Optimizing the role of the entire border community will certainly help minimize the opening of loopholes and opportunities for violations in the area, and can reduce the movement of the perpetrators of violations.

To realize the character building and mental of border community in accordance with the program of “mental revolution” campaigned by president Joko Widodo, need the active participation of all society to make it happen. The real step that can be done to support the program is by applying the values ​​and instilling the spirit of nationalism in social life of society. Thus the public can realize the importance of supporting government programs to realize development for the improvement of welfare in border areas.

In this case, the media as the main source of information border community is also required to contribute in providing information and positive education to the community, to realize the development that has been programmed government for the realization of the ideals of the founders of the nation. Aside from being a source of information, the press also serves as a tool of socialization and positive education about the sense of nationalism and spirit of nationalism to the community. The press can also educate the history of Indonesian independence in the border region, so that the public will better understand and appreciate the struggles of the founders of the nation in seizing Indonesia’s independence. Thus the love of the homeland of the border community will be stronger through the inspiration of the values ​​of nationalism and the spirit of nationalism.

The complexity of the problems in the border region that occurred some time later has been shrinking. This positive condition can certainly be utilized to encourage the improvement of unity and community unity to provide support to the government in running a development program that aims to improve the welfare of communities throughout Indonesia, especially the border region. The spirit of development can be a tool to fight various problems that potentially undermine the establishment and unity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, the cultivation of nationality values ​​and the spirit of nationalism can be a shield for any threats that could hamper government development programs, such as drug trafficking, theft of natural resources, and illegal exit of goods.

In this regard, the role of society and the press as a source of information is the entrance to the realization of a mental revolution in order to promote unity and unity within the border region. Thus, the community can consciously support government programs to build border areas and outer islands, and can guard the implementation of the program.

)* The author is Junior Researcher of CIDISS

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