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Community Appreciates BLT Distribution, BBM Protest is No longer relevant


By: Made Prawira )*

The provision of Direct Fuel Oil Cash Assistance (BLT BBM) was appreciated by many parties, ranging from the public, economists to academics. Therefore, the demonstration plan to be held by the workers’ group on October 12, 2022 is no longer relevant. 

The plan for a labor group demonstration on October 12, 2022 regarding the rejection of fuel price adjustments is an outdated issue. The reason is, the community gets compensation in the form of BLT in the amount of Rp. 600,000 channeled through the Post Office. As many as 20 million Indonesians are entitled to receive it and the people are very grateful because the government cares for the little people.

Economist Hardy Hermawan stated that BLT was the right step taken by the government in the midst of rising commodity prices recently. Assistance is very appropriate and must be executed immediately. In practice, it is mandatory to reduce the potential for internal and external  errors , so that people who really need it can enjoy the BLT.

That is, during the pandemic, prices fluctuate and are a bit burdensome for the little people. However, with the BLT from the government, they can continue to spend, without having to go into debt. When receiving BLT money, people can still buy rice, eggs, oil, and other kitchen necessities.

Meanwhile, Political Communication Specialist Emrus Sihombing said that the demonstration had a lot of pragmatic political content. In fact, apart from fuel, there are other things that are still a problem for the community. Another example of recent problems apart from the increase in fuel prices is flooding in several areas, to the issue of environmental pollution. Unfortunately, these issues are not in the spotlight. In fact, if a genuine demonstration is carried out, there will be many issues that will be raised.

The BLT distribution policy is very important for affected communities, not only due to the effects of the pandemic, but also due to changes in fuel prices. Prices of goods in the market so adjusted. However, they can still spend using BLT BBM, and are very grateful to the government for moving quickly to mitigate the impact of the fuel price adjustment.

The small people are of special concern to the government, because this group is the most affected. If the prices of goods are adjusted, then there are two choices, namely reducing spending or looking for loans to just buy basic needs. In fact, debt is very dangerous because small people can be desperate to look for moneylenders, who charge very high interest rates.

Therefore, the government is trying to prevent this bad situation from happening. The community must continue to meet their basic needs and the solution is to provide assistance in the form of BLT BBM. There is also other assistance, such as social assistance for workers, the family of hope program, so that people who do not receive BLT BBM can enjoy other social assistance.

Meanwhile, a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia, Dwini Handayani, stated that BLT was given to affected communities, so that they could meet their needs. BLT is very appropriate as a form of subsidy transfer (from reducing fuel prices to social assistance to people in need).

There are many people who are affected and they are greatly helped by the BLT BBM. The amount of Rp.600,000 means a lot to them because it can be used to fulfill their daily needs. BLT from the government is very meaningful and the nominal is sufficient to meet basic needs.

The government also advised that BLT BBM must be spent, but not to buy consumptive goods such as cellphones. The reason is because BLT is assistance to buy kitchen needs, not tertiary needs In addition, the money must be spent to move the wheels of the Indonesian economy.

The distribution of BLT BBM must be right on target, namely to small people who really need it. They can queue at the Post Office or wait for the officer to come to get help (if they live in a remote place and far from the post office).

Meanwhile, the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, stated that his party would update  the data on BLT BBM recipients every month. The goal is that the aid is truly right on target. In a sense, there will be no mistakes, where people who fall into the category of being able to turn out to be waiting in line for BLT BBM at the Post Office.

The Ministry of Social Affairs ensures that BLT must be right on target, because small people need help. Therefore, BLT must really be given to small people who are affected by the fuel price adjustment. Risma emphasized that strict action would be taken if there were individuals who corrupted the BLT BBM funds, which could even lead to dismissal. 

The community appreciates the Minister of Social Affairs who acts very firmly in dealing with people who have bad intentions in distributing BLT BBM. There is no gap for criminals. This decisive action is very reasonable because they have the heart to take money from the small people which is not their right.

Many parties appreciate the provision of BLT BBM to people affected by the fuel price adjustment. It is also hoped that BLT can ease the burden of the poor, so that they can still meet their needs, even though the price of basic necessities has changed. Therefore, the planned demonstration that will be carried out by the workers’ group must be cancelled, because their actions do not represent the aspirations of the people and are in the pragmatic interests of certain parties. 

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students 

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