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Despite Getting Vaccines, Health Protocols Must Be Promoted


By: Dodik Prasetyo)
The community needs to continue to improve the discipline of Prokes 5 M even though vaccinations are currently running. These efforts were carried out in order to accelerate the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic that is still happening.
The Covid-19 vaccine has arrived in Indonesia in 2020 and has been distributed starting January 13, 2021, targeting people who are listed as priority recipients of the first phase vaccine.
The government also targets that as many as 40.2 million people will receive the first phase of the Covid-19 vaccine until April 2021. This number consists of 1.3 million health workers, 17.4 million public service workers and 21.5 million elderly.
Even though the vaccination program has been running, the government urges people who have been vaccinated and those who have not received the vaccine to stick to health protocols.
Of course this raises the question, why health protocols are still mandatory even after getting vaccines. Clinical Microbiology Specialist from the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Dr. R Ludhang Pradipta R., M. Biotech, SpMK, said it is possible to be infected with the corona virus before or after vaccination.
Therefore, taking preventive measures accompanied by vaccination is the right body protection measure.
According to him, this is because vaccines need time and have not had enough time to provide maximum protection for the body.
Ludhang also reminded that vaccines are not drugs whose effects can be felt after two hours of injection. After vaccination, the body still takes several weeks to build up immunity. He also cannot be sure, regarding the length of time to build up immunity from vaccines.
Meanwhile, the reactions that arise after getting the vaccine include feeling a cold fever, which is one of the common symptoms of infection in Covid-19 patients.
However, vaccines cannot make someone infected with Covid-19. There is no official vaccine type or platform that has received a WHO permit / recommendation or is in the clinical trial phase containing an active virus that can cause Covid-19 infection.
Based on a clinical microbiology review, Ludhang explained, the corona virus vaccine uses an inactivated method to “kill” the virus, so that the vaccine does not contain live viruses at all.
He also explained that the manufacture of vaccines (other cases) was useless by taking samples of the corona virus from a patient who was the basis for the vaccine candidate. According to him, the corona virus vaccine works by making antibodies to fight a new type of corona virus. Furthermore, these antibodies attach to viral proteins.
Ludhang also revealed that the challenges that must be faced by those who have received the vaccine are to remain disciplined in implementing the 5M health protocol, namely washing hands, using masks, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds and limiting mobility.
Meanwhile, the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) also reminded the public not to be careless in implementing health protocols, even though the vaccination program is starting to run. He said the vaccine does not automatically provide immunity or immunity to the user.
IDI Vaccine Spokesperson Iris Rengganis, reminded that the Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing around the world. Vaccination is an effort to create herd immunity. This group immunity only works when vaccination has reached 70% of the population.
To achieve vaccination for 70 percent of the population, Indonesia needs a gradual period of time. Apart from the limited amount of time, Indonesia is an archipelago which makes vaccine distribution impossible in an instant.
He also said that the Covid-19 vaccine is not everything. Vaccines cannot protect 100 percent. Because each person has different abilities in forming antibodies in his body.
So, don’t feel magical or immune, then you can do whatever you want after getting the Covid-19 vaccine. Vaccination will certainly make a person reactive when an antibody test is carried out. However, that does not mean that this will be positive for antigen swabs.
It is also important to note that before receiving vaccination, it would be best not to eat foods that make the body unfit, such as fried foods, which can increase blood pressure, and also not to stay up late before vaccination.
If you stay up late at night and the body becomes feverish, of course this condition makes it impossible to receive vaccinations. Of course, if the blood pressure condition is still high, then the vaccine should be postponed until the blood pressure becomes normal.
Vaccination is one of the Indonesian efforts to end the pandemic, however, this step must be accompanied by the application of health protocols.

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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