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Effective Implementation of CBS Prevents Covid-19 Transmission


By: Aldia Putra )*

The government took the option of Large Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) to prevent the spread of Corona Virus and maintain people’s purchasing power. A number of regions also reported that the PSBB was effectively implemented in the community as a slowing down of the Covid-19 transmission rate.

Corona virus or covid-19 is still a pandemic in Indonesia, the impact is also felt for some sectors such as transportation that limits the number of passengers to 50 percent of capacity.

To prevent corona virus transmission, the government has prioritized measures to prevent covid-19 transmission to the people of Indonesia. This is because the cessation of the covid-19 outbreak is the key to successful economic recovery.

The government also took the policy to implement the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) which were implemented in many local governments in addition to the Greater Jakarta area.

Although PSBB is more or less disturbing the smooth running of the economy. But we all must understand that the purpose of the PSBB is to prevent the spread and transmission of covid-19, therefore PSBB must be supported by all parties and carried out so that the covid-19 outbreak can soon pass.

The application of the CBDR itself includes the consolation of schools and workplaces, restrictions on religious activities, restrictions on activities in public places or facilities, restrictions on socio-cultural activities, restrictions on modes of transportation and other restrictions relating to reducing the potential of the crowd.

The release of a survey from Indo Barometer showed that 89.5 percent of respondents considered PSBB the right step.

Epidemiologist from the Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia Dr. Pandu Riono said, the slowing of the new co-19 case was in line with the implementation of the PSBB which began to run effectively.

Under these conditions, Pandu believes there is a possibility that corona cases in Jakarta will begin to decline ahead of Eid. Moreover, the level of community compliance has reached 60%.

He even opened the chance of decreasing covid-19 cases in the capital city could occur mid-Ramadan or less than 2 weeks away. But this can only happen if PSBB compliance is increased to 80%. This prediction is of course faster than the target of a nationwide decline in co-19 spread.

Doni Monardo, Head of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Co-19 Handling, said that the rate of distribution of the new co-19 will decrease in June and Indonesia will return to normal in July.

Doni also added, PSBB in Jakarta went well and was obeyed by the community so as to slow the spread of the pandemic.

Although Jakarta has the potential to escape from the pandemic more quickly than other regions, Pandu considers the danger of corona lurking. Because the surrounding area may not necessarily experience a decrease in cases simultaneously.

Aside from Jabodetabek, PSBB is also implemented in several cities such as in Karawang Regency. Karawang Regency Government is also preparing all the needs related to the implementation of the PSBB. Like preparing human resources and socialization.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) M Adib Khumaidi, hopes that similar steps will be carried out by all regional heads in Indonesia.

According to him, PSBB can be effective in preventing transmission and spread of the corona virus if each region with the surrounding area applies the same status.

This PSBB is by nature waiting from the regions to be submitted to the center. It is therefore important for regions to immediately conduct an evaluation for the application of the PSBB rules including the surrounding areas.

Before submitting a proposal, the regional head must coordinate, evaluate and analyze the surrounding area. Because corona virus is a virus with a relatively fast spread in the community.

Adib hopes that the regional government will immediately submit PSBB rules to the center. For later actioned as a legal umbrella to prevent the spread of the covid-19 virus.

Karawang Regent Cellica Nurrachadiana admitted, social restrictions need to be implemented in Karawang because the area is directly adjacent to Bekasi which is a covid-19 red zone.

The implementation of PSBB in Karawang is certainly not without reason, Karawang regency is one of the homecoming route, such as the southern route in the western bay, which is an alternative to Kalimalang and the northern route along the border with Pabuyaran and Tanjungpura.

The application of the CBDR, of course, requires public awareness and discipline to remain compliant with all existing protocols.

PSBB is the choice of government rather than lockdown because transportation about food needs must remain distributed.

In the lockdown condition, people are not allowed to leave the house at all, all transportation ranging from cars, motorcycles, trains, to aircraft can not operate.

The effectiveness of PSBB will certainly increase if the general public adheres to all existing policies, such as wearing masks when leaving the house, washing hands before and after entering the store and staying at home.

)* The writer is an active citizen in the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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