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Eid Al-Fitr Prayer at Home During Pandemic Covid-19


By: Dodik Prasetyo ) *

This year there is no prayer Eid in congregation in the mosque grounds and because it is still in a pandemic Covid-19 . MUI recommends Muslims to pray Eid at home only. To prevent the spread of corona . Moreover, the prayer of Eid at home are also considered reducing the absorption to celebrate the victory.

Corona still hasn’t left Indonesia. The government is working hard so that all patients affected by the Covid-19 virus get well soon, also issued several rules so that the disease is not spread to all regions. Among other things, suggestions for social distancing to activities at home. All activities ranging from school, work, to worship, are carried out only in your home.

This service also includes prayers of Eid . It should only be done at home, not in the field or in a large mosque like in previous years. Although only done in the house, but Prayer I dul fitri conducted in congregation with family, still valid and also rewarding. Don’t be afraid, feel guilty, and imagine the sin if you don’t do it in the mosque.

This is in accordance with the statement of Anwar Abbas, Secretary General of the Indonesian Ulema Council. He interviewed last May 12, passed a fatwa MUI that should not be held organizing prayer of Eid in the mosque and the field. MUI supports the government’s move to prevent the transmission of Corona Virus , because it is in accordance with facts on the ground.

The government’s decision to ban the existence of Eid Al-Fitr Prayers in mosques and other public places must also be based on studies from scientists, doctors and experts dealing with Covid-19 . So should all Muslims are required to obey and not reckless organize prayer ied in the field. Because if it is done in a public place would be very dangerous and even potentially spread the virus corona , especially after the prayer of Eid is usually followed by a greeting-shake. Will damage the sterility and increase the risk of the loss of Covid-19 to everyone.

Although performed only at home, but Eid al-Fitr prayers are still carried out according to the rules. After dawn, you should shower and use the fragrance (for father and son), then the whole family wears the best clean clothes. It is also desirable to eat before prayer , even if only a little. Eid prayers should be performed in a clean and rather roomy place, for example in the musala house or in the living room where the floor is covered with carpet. Each person wears a prayer rug and is given a distance, not tight as usual.

In addition to Eid prayer , all Muslims should also be spread at home. The decision not to go back and forth will certainly be very helpful not to participate in spreading the potential to move the Covid-19 virus from cities to other villages, especially if your area is part of the red zone. Even though it is only at home, it is still fun. After the prayer, you can shut up to parents and shake hands with relatives. No need to go out to forgive your neighbors, but you can do it online .

Hospitality with parents, relatives, and relatives in the village can also be done via video call or via telephone. Take advantage of advanced technology to greet and forgive mother and father. They certainly understand your decision not to go home this year is for the sake of safety and health together.

We should obey the MUI fatwa not to hold Eid prayer in mosques and in the field or other public places. Eid prayer can be done at home alone, with all family members. This was done because it was still in the Covid-19 pandemic , and for mutual security. So that the corona virus does not spread and immediately leaves Indonesia.

) * The author is a contributor to the Indonesian Strategic Information Study Institute (LSISI)

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