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Eid prayer can be done at home


By: Indah Rahmawati )*

Muslims find Ramadan this year different from previous years, as well as the upcoming Eid prayers. The Covid-19 pandemic has not subsided yet, so the MUI stipulates that Eid prayer can be held at home. MUI also gave guidance on the procedures for carrying out Eid prayer.

Last Wednesday (5/23), the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Fatwa Commission issued a fatwa number 28 of 2020 concerning the Guidelines for Takbir and Eid Al-Fitr Prayer during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the fatwa explained that the Eid al-Fitr prayer basically has the sunnah muakkadah law. Which means sunnah worship is highly recommended. Although most id prayers are held in congregation with people from one village in the field or mosque, idol prayers can also be done at home as a family or alone.

There are several provisions regarding the implementation of Eid prayer in the Red Zone area of ​​Covid-19. Whether or not the congregational id prayers take place depends on the situation and condition of the area. For areas that are still not controlled, it is better if the prayers are held at home alone in congregation or alone.

In the guidelines provided by the MUI it was noted that prayer in congregation in this house can be carried out with the provisions of the number of worshipers who pray at a minimum of 4 people. One of them is the priest and the rest is good. After the prayer, the khatib preached in accordance with the provisions of the Eid al-Fitr sermon.

If that number is lacking and no one has the ability to preach, then the prayer can be performed without the sermon.

Regarding the idol prayers which are carried out independently the provisions begin with the intention of the prayer itself. Prayer reads are pronounced slowly. The conditions are the same as those in congregation, except that the idol prayers that are done alone do not have a sermon.

Not only the Indonesian government, the Saudi Arabian government also stipulated the provision of Eid prayer at home.

Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Al Al-Sheikh said that if the Covid-19 pandemic continues and it is not possible to carry out worship in the mosque, id prayers are held at home and celebrations after the id is not even there.

Before that, the religious leader of Saudi Arabia had set tarawih prayers at home only. By carrying out worship at home, it can prevent the spread of Covid-19.

According to him, people do not need to worry about praying at home instead of worshiping in the mosque. Moreover, tarawih prayers and legal id prayers are sunna.

By doing worship at home, people will still get the blessing of Ramadan in 1441 while preventing the spread of Covid-19.

Recently a positive priest, Covid-19, dared to perform tarawih prayers in congregation in Tambora, West Jakarta. As a result of his recklessness, nine of which were exposed to the virus.

This is what is feared by the government, so that pilgrimage prayers in the mosque were abolished. However, because of the obstinacy of some of these people eventually resulted in the increase in positive cases of Covid-19.

Tambora Sub-District Chief, Bambang Sutama said that 9 people who were detected positive had been taken to hospital to be isolated and the rest carried out isolation independently in their respective homes.

Knowing this incident, compliance with policies recommended by the government is indeed necessary. Because the call to keep distance and not crowding is very influential in preventing the spread of Covid-19. Now, it is proven the danger of congregational prayers in areas that are indeed the red zone of the spread of Covid-19.

)* The writer is a student of IAIN Kendari

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