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FPI Account Blocking Already In Accordance with the Rules


By: Zakaria) *

When FPI was dissolved, its accounts were also frozen by the PPATK. The organization of the mass organization could not protest, because the blocking was in accordance with the rules. Because if they are not frozen, they are afraid that they will be used for neo FPI operations. The community also supports blocking these accounts so that they no longer worry.

Aziz Yanuar, Munarman, and other former FPI officials laughed when FPI’s accounts were frozen. They accused the money of being taken, and admitted that there were still public contributions in it. However, they could not bring this matter before the judge, because the blocking of accounts was in accordance with the rules and had a legal basis.

The legal basis for blocking FPI accounts is the SKB 6 for the Head of the Institution, which is signed by the National Police Chief, the Chairman of the BNPT, and the heads of other institutions. If FPI is declared prohibited, then the account may be automatically dissolved. PPATK suspended it because it was in accordance with government regulations.

FPI accounts that are blocked do not only belong to mass organizations, Rizieq Shihab, and his family. But also accounts belonging to affiliates. Dozens of accounts are in several leading private banks. Now there is also an investigation if there are accounts that have diligently contributed to them, because they could be suspected of being funders and the mastermind behind sweeping and other riots.

If the funder is found out, it will be very shocking to the public. Therefore, the investigation was carried out not only by the police, but also by the bank which disclosed its customer data. They are willing to do so because it helps the government uncover important facts. When the donor’s account is discovered, it can be automatically blocked.

This account blocking is allowed because the state has the right to do so, as a precaution against the activities of prohibited organizations. FPI has been disbanded so every activity is illegal. If the source of the funds is not frozen, then we are afraid of enlarging the new mass organizations that have been established, namely neo FPI.

Munarman’s accusation that the money was taken is also wrong. Because the account is not blocked forever, but temporarily. But when can it be used again, who knows when. Munarman also admitted that there were hundreds of millions of funds in the account, including donations from many people to FPI’s laskar families.

If Munarman confessed like that, it would be tantamount to expose his own lies. Because all the donations should have been handed over directly to members of the FPI laskar, last December. But until mid-January, it was deposited in accounts. I do not know what activity will be made, but this statement shows that they are not trustworthy.

The money is the right of the laskar family, because of the donation from the community for them. However, while it is still in the account, there could be allegations that they are planning something else with these funds. It is very sad if those who claim to defend the people, but deceive the people and hurt the laskar family.

In addition, the discovery of an account used by FPI to save money also embarrassed them. Because all this time they shouted against foreigners, but in fact they were caught having an account at a private foreign-owned bank. Like Pinocchio who turns out to be lying and embarrassed.

The suspension of accounts that have complied with this rule should not be questioned by FPI. It was useless to hold a press conference and invite many journalists, but the money still didn’t come out. They also cannot complain to Komnas HAM, because this is not the domain of the commission.

When the accounts of FPI and its affiliates are frozen, they cannot make accusations carelessly. Because blocking is legal and does not violate anyone’s rights. The former FPI board will find it difficult to find funds for neo FPI activities. Instead, they have to be careful when funders are caught, their lies are exposed, and their plays are exposed in public.

) * The author is a citizen living in Bogor

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