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G20 Momentum for the Acceleration of Energy Transfer


By: Yogi Purbananda)*

Indonesia will host the 2022 G20 Summit (KTT) forum. This international event is also a moment of accelerating the transition of energy into new and renewable energy (EBT).

Indonesia has achieved an achievement by becoming the G20 presidency which means as well as being the host. By being a host, you will get many benefits. Besides being able to promote investment and tourism, the G20 forum is also an important momentum for accelerating the transition to green energy.

Agus P. Tampubolon, Project Manager for Clean, Affordable, and Secure Energy for Southeast Asia IESR stated that as the host, Indonesia has the right to determine themes to be discussed in existing forums, including including the theme of energy transition. By adopting this theme, there will be interventions, commitments, and support needed by Indonesia to achieve the set transition targets.

Energy transition has indeed become a hot topic that has been discussed for some time, so it is natural that it is also discussed at international level events such as the G20 Summit. By converting conventional energy sources to NRE, it is hoped that it will be more environmentally friendly. This energy transition is important because of its effects for the next tens or even hundreds of years.

So far, we use oil as energy, but the weakness is that petroleum is obtained from fossil processing, as well as coal. It is feared that the fossil stock will be dredged out if there is no other energy source. Before this bad thing happens, it is mandatory to convert to new renewable energy so that it is safer and loves the earth.

The energy transition in question is the movement from conventional energy (petroleum and coal) to new and renewable energy. These include wind energy, solar energy, and so on. With this type of energy, besides being more environmentally friendly, it is also more economical in processing.

With the G20 Summit, after discussing the transition to new and renewable energy, it is hoped that many other countries will follow Indonesia’s steps which are slowly moving to new and renewable energy. If everything is compact it will be good, because the use of conventional energy has the disadvantage of producing carbon dioxide (CO2) which can cause global warming.

President Jokowi stated that the G20 Summit can bridge and encourage developing and developed countries (which are members of the G20) to accelerate the energy transition, strengthen a just and sustainable global energy system in a global agreement. There needs to be collaboration so as to facilitate access to affordable energy services.

In a sense, not all G20 member countries are ready to make the transition to new and renewable energy. There are countries that lack human resources and some that lack capital. It is hoped that with the collaboration of all members of the G20, it is hoped that all of them will be united in switching to new and renewable energy because there are subsidies from developed countries.

Since 2017 Indonesia has switched to new and renewable energy, although it is not yet 100%. With evidence of the existence of wind power plants, G20 members understand what new renewable energy processing looks like, so they know its true form and will make it in their country. It is hoped that all members of the G20 will turn to renewable energy to prevent global warming.

The G20 Summit is an important momentum for accelerating the transition from conventional energy (petroleum and coal) to new and renewable energy (solar and wind power). With Indonesia’s position as the host of the G20, it is hoped that changes in energy transfer will be faster, along with various supports from other G20 members.

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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