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Government Gives Free Vaccines in the Red Zone


By: Edi Jatmiko) *

The covid-19 vaccine made by Sinovac has arrived in Indonesia, December 2020. Later, the corona immunization will be given in stages. The priority is health workers. In addition, people living in the red zone are also prioritized for vaccine injections, and they get it for free.

When the Sinovac vaccine landed safely in this country, the public began to talk. They certainly can’t wait to get injected and hope to be free from the corona attack forever. However, this vaccine is still in the final testing stage and the provision of a BPOM number, so it takes at least another month for mass corona immunization.

Is the vaccine free? Given the total population of Indonesia which is more than 200 million people, immunization cannot be 100% free. But don’t be sad just yet. In addition to getting priority immunization, people living in the red zone will also enjoy vaccinations without having to pay.

Spokesperson for covid-19 vaccination from the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, stated that the government guaranteed to provide a free corona virus vaccine. With the condition that they have the status of residents who are in the red zone area or an area at risk of spreading the covid-19 virus. For example in Surabaya, Bandung, Malang, Jakarta, and other cities or districts.

Siti Nadia continued, poor people can also get the covid-19 vaccine for free. But unfortunately there are no details, what percentage of Indonesian citizens are categorized as underprivileged. Have they ever received assistance in the form of BLT, social assistance, or PKH, or are there other judgments from the government that these people are among the poor?

Another community group that has priority for corona immunization and is free of charge are medical personnel such as doctors and nurses. The reason is because they are at the forefront of preventing the spread of the Covid-19 virus among the public. So that they are more at risk of contracting corona than civilians.

The army and police also get free vaccines. People should not think that the government is favoritism, because they are security guards in Indonesia. So it’s natural when getting priority vaccines. In addition, the police and army worked to serve the people and had frequent contact with many people. They also always help the covid-19 task force team, so they are at high risk of contracting corona.

Giving vaccines for free certainly makes people relieved. Due to the pandemic devastating the people’s economy, it is rather difficult for them to pay 200,000 rupiah for one injection of the corona vaccine. When it is free, the people will be very grateful to the government, because it is very understanding of their economic conditions.

In addition, people in 47 cities / regencies that are included in the red zone will also get free vaccines. They can hope that immunizations will be given quickly, so that their bodies are immune from the covid-19 virus attack. Because corona does not discriminate. Want the poor, rich, old, young, if infected with the corona and their weak body power, they will lose their lives.

The government certainly doesn’t want all its citizens to be affected by corona. Especially if there is a pandemic such as the situation in Europe and its surroundings when the Spanish flu was attacked 100 years ago, bringing the victim to 1/3 of the population. Do not let the population of Indonesia live in the number of 70 million people, because of falling due to the evil covid-19 virus.

The provision of free corona vaccination is certainly welcomed by the community, especially those who are underprivileged or in the red zone. They will be willing to be injected with the covid-19 virus vaccine and do not have to pay, so they will not create holes. The government still regulates what percentage of the 225 million Indonesian citizens who will receive free benefits.

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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