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Government Immediately Vaccinate the General Public


By : Deka Prawira ) *

An independent vaccination program is likely to be on the way . This was revealed after the BUMN Minister stated that there would likely be 3.5 million doses of the corona vaccine that will arrive in Indonesia in March 2021.

The government continues to optimize supply, one of which is by providing 3.5 million vaccines in the near future. The vaccine is planned to be imported from two vaccine producers, namely Sinopharm and Moderna . The total of each Covid-19 vaccine is 20.20 million doses of vaccine. The details are as many as 15 million doses of vaccine Covid-19 from Sinopharm and 5.2 million doses da ri Moderna .

              The target is that the corona or Covid-19 vaccine from Sinopharm will be available from March to June. Meanwhile, the Moderna corona vaccine will be available from July to October.

              The distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine continues to accelerate its implementation . In Tangerang, apparently residents can vaccinate on a drive thru basis This innovation deserves appreciation.

              In the past, Indonesia was ridiculed by many countries for using the Sinovac vaccine from China. Where at that time Indonesia was considered a trial rabbit in the application of the covid-19 vaccine for humans, especially its own citizens .

              CEO of Bio Farma , Honesti Basyir , said that not only was it considered a guinea pig, Bio Farma was also said to be threatened with massive debt, because at that time there had not been any contra cations related to vaccines so it violated the rules. On the other hand, Bio Farma has bought vaccines even though there are no funds at all.

              It should be noted that the corona vaccination has started on January 13, 2021. Injections into President Jokowi and a number of high-ranking officials and health workers, have marked the initiation of vaccination.

              To date, more than 1.46 million health workers have all received the first injection of the Sinovac vaccine . They are the priority group for vaccine recipients because they are most vulnerable to being exposed to corona.

              After the health workers, the elderly over 60 will take the turn. Inject them after the BPOM has issued an emergency use authorization for the Sinovac vaccine for those aged over 60 years.

              Along with the elderly, public officials have become a priority group for vaccines. The number of these two groups is around 38.4 million people.

              Public officials who have received rations include, among others, traders, journalists and public transportation officers. Then athletes, police, TNI to those who work in the public sector.

              Vaccination for this group is targeted for completion in June 2021. There are 2 vaccines used, namely Sinovac . After them, it is the turn of the vulnerable people living in the red zone area.

              Groups that are declared vulnerable to contracting Covid-19 by the WHO outside of the elderly are people with comorbids or those with congenital diseases, informal sector workers, children, up to people with disabilities and people who are HIV positive.

              From the same data, the number of vaccines needed for vaccination of this group is 130 million. It is estimated that each vaccination requires two doses, which means 65 million people will be injected.

              After the vulnerable groups, then the general public will receive the vaccine in September. The total target is around 194 million people.

              It is targeted that the process will be completed in March 2022. Of course this target is very dependent on the availability of vaccines.

              If the vaccine came sooner and the red and white vaccine was produced first, the process would be faster. However, if the opposite happens, the vaccination process may take longer than the target.

              Meanwhile, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Ma’ruf Amin said that mass vaccination for the general public will begin in April 2021. Currently , vaccination is still prioritized for public servants who often come into contact with many people.

              Ma’ruf explained that the government is targeting a vaccination program for around 182 million people and is expected to be completed in one year.

              As for the provision of vaccines for the general public will be the same as for health workers. Vaccine recipients will receive an invitation via short message ( sms ).

              Vaccination for the general public will use a single Covid-19 vaccination data system. Cooperation for data collection was carried out by Telkom, Kominfo , BPJS, Ministry of Health and the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy.

              Vaccination, of course, needs to be accelerated, this is aimed at creating communal immunity (herd immunity) so that it will be able to reduce and control the covi d-19 outbreak .

) * The author is a contributor to the Cikini Press Circle and Students

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