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Gradually Conducive, Communities in Papua Start Moving Again


By: Rebecca Marian )*

The noise of the mass action in Jayapura is now safe and conducive. A number of actions that were considered riot and racism were also able to be muted. Various related parties have stated that the situation there is returning to normal. The wheels of the Papuan economy began to squirm again. This is proven by the operation of the city traffic fiber shopping center.

In addition, there were also rumors of peaceful mass action in several places. Namely located in front of the office of the Mayor of Sorong, West Papua, which starts at 09:30 until 15:30 CET. Which was attended by a mass of approximately 2,000 people. While at another place there was also an action in Maybrat, West Papua, which began at 09.00-13.00 East Indonesian Time and was attended by around 200 people. The same thing is also found in the Biak City area. And during the action it was suspected to be running safely and peacefully. There were no riots which ended in racism as before.

Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo, as the Head of the Public Information Bureau of the Police Public Relations Division, said that the demonstration which had caused a riot had occurred. Namely in the Mimika region, Fakfak and West Papua. However, it can be conditioned well.

According to the report, Fakfak is now suffering from material losses in the form of a market unit and a building that was burned down by a mob, two cars, as well as several houses whose glass was broken. While in the Timika area, there are a number of shop houses, post offices, DPRD offices, buses, trucks and two damaged patrol cars.

The good news, the police managed to secure up to 45 people related to the riots. They were suspected as provocateurs of the action to cause riots. This was done on the basis of racist incidents of students from Papua in Surabaya the other day.

Various calls for discrimination and injustice. which is accepted by the people of Papua is alsoorized. In this regard, Menkopolhukam Wiranto expressed his surprise. He considered if the government had channeled a lot of development funds to the people of Papua. Even more value than other provinces.

Wiranto also made a visit to Papua related to peaceful actions. He invited several parties to make an agreement related to the riot the other day. The invited figures included Laksda TNI (Ret.) Freddy Numberi, Yorrys Raweyai, a Member of Parliament, Frans Ansanay, Samuel Tabuni, who was referred to as a youth leader from Nduga and others.

Wiranto stressed that the meeting which lasted for more than an hour went well. There are no parties who blame each other, but both are looking for solutions to the problems in Papua. He also mentioned that the leaders of Papua and West Papua agreed to work together to cool the situation. And will try to curb illegal developments relating to movements in Papua and West Papua.

All parties agreed to put an end to the heat and turn it into a calm and conducive situation. In addition Wiranto also expressed if all parties could correct mistakes or other matters so that the future development of Papua would be even better.

Wiranto emphasized that President Jokowi was committed to continuing development. Moreover, Jokowi has been paying attention to Papua from the beginning to lead. Ie, such as the development of transportation infrastructure development, communication sector, ports, airports to realize commodity price equations.

It guarantees that this project is not a lighthouse project, but has been calculated. For the welfare of the people of Papua and West Papua. This means that development efforts in the two provinces are based on the principles of equity and justice. Including the quality of education and expansion of employment.

The conducive condition of Papua is certainly a breath of fresh air for all the people of Indonesia. Given that Papua is an inseparable part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia. Is not if one limb hurts, then the other body will feel it too.

We can make this riot in Papua a lesson so that unity will be further promoted in the future. Because this is very effective in preventing disunity. Indonesia is a multicultural country that is popular with its diverse cultures, religions and customs. Therefore, it is necessary to increase mutual respect and tolerance in order to create strong national stability

Hopefully the future condition of Papua will be better and return to normal. In addition, the performance of the government and all elements of society are able to protect and protect the citizens as a whole.

)* The writer is a Papuan student, living in Jakarta

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