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Head of the region Corruption, Tarnish the Reformation


By: Mirwan Achmad)*

Regional autonomy, initially aims to provide improvements to the local government in order to balance the central and regional development. However, regional autonomy actually increases corruption behavior in the regions. Moreover, when the regional leadership is patterned with elections, then the symptoms of financial demands on fees, time of regional election, need to be paid with all compensation efforts. Including justifies any means, including corruption.

Corruption in Indonesia now has a tremendous negative impact on almost all the joints of state life. Therefore, corruption in Indonesia can be said to be very worrying, because it has destroyed the economic system, democratic system, political system, legal system, government system and social order in this country

The number of regional heads caught in the corruption case made Ministry of Internal Affair some time ago made research and got the conclusion that the factors causing the head of the region to corrupt is the high political costs incurred when the election process took place.

The case of corruption of regional heads, of course, will have an effect on the implementation of the next election, where public disappointment will be higher on the government, especially the local government. And it will affect the high prospective voters who do not exercise their right to vote.

On the other hand, efforts to eradicate corruption that have been done so far have not shown great results. Corruption at various levels still happens a lot, as if it has become a part of our life that even has been considered as a natural thing. If we let this condition take place, then sooner or later corruption will destroy this country. Corruption should be viewed as an extraordinary crime which therefore requires extraordinary efforts to eradicate it. Regional finance is the most corrupt sector with APBD as the object of corruption.

To anticipate this, Political Parties need to tighten the process of cadre selection when they want to be a regional leader. For example, nominate a cadre with a good track record. Therefore, the public only duty to vote for the candidate. This direct regional head elections system involves the community as a whole. Because the regional election is a positive opportunity for the people because people really enjoy the real democratic party as well as political education for the community.

)* The author is CIDISS Contributor

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