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Hoaxes That Have Not Been Relieving Threaten the Success of the 2019 Election


Hoaxes That Have Not Been Relieving Threaten the Success of the 2019 Election

By: Adit Irawan

There are many factors that make hoaxes or hoaxes in Indonesia never subside even though some circles have raised movements that declare to fight hoaxes. One of the causes of the proliferation of hoax news in cyberspace is the lack of digital literacy programs from an early age and the lack of strict legal sanctions given.

Digital literacy is an important step to provide awareness to the public about the characteristics of the news which is hoax or hoax. When this awareness has arisen, the eradication of hoax news in cyberspace will be easier because if it is not addressed, the spirit of unity and diversity of the nation is threatened to be divided.

Hoax must be resisted because often this fake news contains the issue of SARA which divides society into various groups and often causes chaos and physical disputes within the community. As good and dignified citizens, it is fitting that we participate in voicing movements to fight hoaxes. We must truly ensure that Indonesian unity is maintained and cannot be faltered just because of provocation and incitement.

For that, let’s jointly fight hoaxes for the success of the 2019 elections that are peaceful and dignified and for the integrity of national unity in the framework of the success of national development because do not let the results of intensive development be distorted by hoax news so that people are not optimistic. Let’s make the election 2019 successful without hoaxes and don’t provoke the Golput movement.

Netizens from Bukittinggi, West Sumatra

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