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Homeschooling Exclusively Vulnerable to Radicalism


By: Edi Jatmiko) *

Teaching and learning activities at homeschooling are considered quite vulnerable to exposure to radicalism. This is sticking out after the suicide bombing in East Java involving children as the culprit. Allegedly, parents impose homeschooling so that the child is able to be controlled.

The basis of children’s education is actually in the parents. Everything related to the baby will certainly be chosen maximally. This will play a role on children’s growth and development including mindset. The vulnerability of homeschooling chosen by parents to educate children is now starting to emerge, after the suicide bombing in East Java some time ago involving children as the culprit. Activities indoctrination of bombers including choosing homseschooling to access education of the child is considered vulnerable to radicalism. As if the perpetrators do not want their children affected by the outside world or afraid not to obey the commands of parents.

Homeschooling is actually almost the same as schools in general. It’s just that in this Homeschooling program it is likely that parents will more easily monitor and give direction. If Homeschooling generally employs teachers from outside, while homeschooling which is considered easy to be exposed to radicalism is often supported by parents themselves. So that the potential to include deviant notions becomes greater.

Let’s see, the growth and development of children who go to public school and homeschooling, of course, will be very different. How do they communicate, how to get along to assess a problem, including children of radicalism actors usually tend to close themselves in socializing. The severity of the children of radicalism perpetrators is intentionally printed into cloning perpetrators of radical understanding.

Previously, the Center for Islamic and Community Studies (PPIM) Jakarta State Islamic University (UIN) stated that the learning process of homeschooling (HS) was vulnerable to the spread of radicalism. This is based on flexible learning, alienation of children from common values, and loosening of government oversight into a gap to radically transfer religious knowledge.

Arif Subhan as the Research Coordinator of PPIM UIN Jakarta said, the results of his research did not necessarily generalize that HS was radical, but still had the potential to foster radicalism. Of the 56 HS samples spread across Greater Jakarta (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi), Bandung, Surabaya, Solo, Makassar, and Padang, there are about five HS that have been exposed to radicalism. In fact, all five are HS which have a basis of Islamic teachings that are exclusive (special).

If seen from Permendikbud 129/2014, HS practices are divided into two. First, HS puts parents as teachers. Second, parents include their children in the HS community or invite teachers home to teach. HS itself is usually given in reference to the needs of children, parents, and religious teachings.

The HS group which has the basic teachings of Islam interpreting mothers is the main school. They believe the model of al-salaf al-shalih education (the salaf) is an ideal education for Muslims. Namely, Embed monotheism and read and write the Koran as practiced in the time of the Prophet Muhammad and also the friends. The motivation is to provide religious education, especially true and strong creed.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the National Commission for Child Protection, Arist Merdeka Sirait, is also wary of the involvement of children in acts of terrorism as a new mode by continuously indoctrinating children by perpetrators. Arist added that the age of these children was indeed considered very vulnerable and easy to be influenced because they were still entering a very sensitive and sensitive age.

With regard to the children of suicide bombing terrorists in the East Java region, the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) claimed it was difficult to monitor the spread of radicalism that would potentially spread through informal schools, especially home schools or single homeschooling held by parents in one family sphere.

Harris Iskandar as Director General of Early Childhood Education and Community Education Ministry of Education and Culture does not deny that single homeschooling may be a new tool for parents to teach radicalism to their children.

Education is indeed very important in the process of shaping a child’s character. From the education of children will be directed to choose the path they believe is right according to the teachings of the education they get. What is feared is that if the way of educating with a variety of wrong and deviant doctrines will certainly make the child fall deeper into wrong thoughts. Therefore the government cautions that it can be selective in choosing educational facilities. Moreover, the government has never gotten complete data related to this homeschooling.

) * The author is a social political observer

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