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Indonesia Prepares the First AIS Forum Summit Optimally


By : Ahmad Dzul Ilmi Muis )*

Indonesia is preparing everything regarding the implementation process of the first Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum 2023 Summit in a very optimal, mature and optimal manner. This is evident from the many parties who joined together to contribute and play an active role in making this international event a success.

It is known that Bali is again trusted to be the location for holding international events, namely the AIS Forum Summit on October 11 2023. Of course, before this international event, a lot of preparations were made by Indonesia as the host.

There are also quite a few parties, starting from companies and other institutions who also provide assistance and play an active role in contributing to the success of the entire series of activities so that they can run smoothly and without any obstacles. One of them is the East Java and Bali Transmission Main Unit State Electricity Company (PLN UIT JBM).

They are trying to continue to ensure that electricity distribution during the event can run very safely, especially in the Nusa Dua area which is the  main venue  for the 2023 AIS Forum Summit. In all the preparations made, PLN UIT JBM through the Transmission Implementation Unit (UPT) Bali continues to do many things to ensure the reliability of the electricity system, from the start until the end of the entire  event  .

Regarding this matter, the General Manager of PLN UIT JBM, Didik Fauzi Dakhlan explained that the implementation of the AIS Summit itself was a collaboration with the participation of 51 island and archipelagic countries throughout the world to be able to jointly overcome the challenges and problems currently being faced, especially in maritime development sector.

Indonesia itself has initiated the formation of the AIS Forum since 2017, where in 2023 the country will have the opportunity to host it, so this should be prepared all  out . To continue to fully support this event, PLN continues to be committed to providing a very reliable electricity system, so that the electricity supply during the  event  remains safe.

PLN itself is a company and/or institution that is very experienced and has sufficient competence to provide reliable electrical systems at various previous international events that have taken place on the Island of the Gods, such as the Group of Twenty (G20) Summit, then the series ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo and  other events  .

The efforts made by UPT Bali are to continue to ensure that all transmission equipment can function optimally through routine maintenance since the last three months starting in July 2023 at the location of the electrical installation which supplies electricity to the   activity venue . Meanwhile, in an effort to continue to optimize outreach to the entire community regarding all implementation processes of the 2023 AIS Forum Summit and also the 2024 World Water Forum (WWF), the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo) held a Media Briefing in Nusa Dua, Badung on the 9th Last August 2023.

Regarding the Media Briefing, the Director of Information, Communication, Economy and Maritime Affairs, Ministry of Communication and Information, Septriana Tangkary, on the same occasion explained that the Media Center is indeed the information center for the 2023 AIS Forum Summit. It will also be equipped with many facilities, such as work space or media briefings, special distribution areas, international broadcast centers, dining and hospitality areas, press conference rooms, simultaneous interpreters, media  lounges , high-speed internet, as well as computer and laptop equipment.

Not only that, but later a reflexology massage area will also be provided so that it is hoped it can help relieve the fatigue felt by journalists, including providing  coffee breaks and lunch, so that all media crew can focus on work.

The existence of the Media Center by the Ministry of Communication and Information is an effort to continue to support journalists in reporting. Director General of Information and Public Communication at the Ministry of Communication and Information, Usman Kansong, stated that the Ministry of Communication and Information already has standards to facilitate journalists in  national and international events . The AIS Forum 2023 Media Center is planned to operate from 9-13 October 2023, located in the Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC) area. Or from D-2 to D+1  the event  takes place, so it will be more helpful to journalists’ work. 

Indonesia has carried out all very optimal and maximum preparations to welcome the 2023 AIS Forum Summit as the host. Starting from the support from PLN which ensures the reliability of the electricity system during implementation, to the existence of very capable facilities for journalists so that they can provide maximum coverage.

)* The author is an Alumni of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Unair

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