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Islamic Principles in Warding Hoaxes


By: Ahmad Kholikul Khoir *

Lately, the people of Indonesia are being shocked by the riots that occurred in Papua and West Papua. Sadly, this riot and conflict was fueled by racial and hoax issues. So that, it is very grateful for the integrity and the state of Indonesia. Hoax aka hoax news doesn’t only happen in this digital age. Even in the history of Islam, hoaxes have occurred since the time of the Prophet Adam, who was deceived by the devil to eat khuldi fruit. Then in the end, the Prophet Adam was expelled by God from Heaven.

Not a few hoaxes in Indonesia are made for reasons of political election. As information states that millions of Chinese workers have entered Indonesia. Until, the accusation that President Jokowi was a Chinese stooge and an affiliate of the Indonesian Communist Party. In fact, reality in the field is not the case. Therefore, many parties consider that this is only a sentiment to boost political electability.

Once the magnitude of the impact of hoaxes on human life. So, long before the Prophet Muhammad had warned his people to always check and recheck (tabayyun) on any information that comes. As stated in the letter Al-hujurat (6) “If you come to the wicked to bring the news then be serious about looking for clarity”

For this reason, critical and wise attitudes are needed so that hoaxes can be overcome. There are several main principles in Islam that can be used against hoaxes. First, the principle of merit and sin. This principle explains that each of our statements, both messages and writings, has consequences for merit and sin. Because they want to stay away from sin and get merit, people will be careful in filtering and disseminating information.

Second, say positive. It is reported in the book of almuwatho ‘that one day the prophet Jesus met a pig in a way, then he said: “Go safely! ” Any question; “You say this to a pig? “Isa bin Maryam replied:” I am afraid that my mouth is accustomed to saying dirty words.

Therefore, we must continue to say positively to anyone. This is very relevant to the current era, where hate speech is easily spread on social media. Finally, hoaxes emerged to radicalism.
Third, supervision. As the word of Allah QS. Qaf verses 16-18 which means: “And verily We created man and knew what his heart whispered, and We are closer to him than his jugular veins. (ie) when two angels record their deeds, one sits on the right and the other sits on the left. “

Every Muslim is required to have confidence in the existence of angels of God, where one of them is to believe in the existence of angels Raqib (registers of goodness) and Atid (registers of evil). So if everyone has these principles and beliefs. That person will be very careful in spreading any information.

Fourth, selectivity and validity. In accordance with QS Alhujurat (6) that we must continue to do tabayyun. Because talking using accurate data and information is one of the good personal characteristics. An accurate level of information credibility can lead to misunderstanding of information. Thus, hoaxes can be avoided.

Fifth, influence each other. Communication between humans is the activity of conveying and receiving information from and to others. With communication, one can change information and misconceptions. As the Prophet said “Whoever learns the beauty of language to make people’s day incline to him, then on the Day of Resurrection Allah will not accept compulsory worship or his breath.” HR. Bukhori No. 4749, 5325; Muslim No. 1437.

Indeed, every religion teaches kindness and wisdom to each adherent. Therefore, as a religious nation, we should deepen and internalize religious values ​​in ourselves. Hopefully we are among those who are smart in sorting and selecting information.

  • The writer is an undergraduate student in a psychology study program and an awardee at the Hafizd Quran at the Islamic University of Indonesia.

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