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Joint Efforts to Create a Conducive Situation in Papua


By: Donald Sambom) *

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the Police Public Relations Division of the National Police Commissioner Asep Adi Saputra stated that the situation in Papua and West Papua was conducive today. The school which was previously closed was now back to normal.

Asep said public facilities and infrastructure damaged by riots in a number of areas in Papua and West Papua could also be used. Even though it was gradually conducive, the joint military / police apparatus were still prepared to anticipate and carry out security if mass action again occurred in Papua and West Papua.

The National Police has also increased the number of police personnel in Papua and West Papua. According to Asep, there were 12 units at the same level as the National Police Company with 1,200 personnel on guard in the two provinces. This was also agreed by Kalpolri General (Pol) Tito Karnavian who said that the situation in Papua was far better and safer compared to several days before. To resolve the problem of incidents in Papua and other regions, balanced dialogue and law enforcement will be taken.

The Chief of Police also explained his visit along with TNI commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto to West Papua and Papua to take a closer look at the problems that occurred. For this reason, a meeting and dialogue with stakeholders was held. He considered the situation and conditions in Papua had cooled even though there were several actions in several places. In Manokwari, West Papua, Tito claimed to have met with Governor Dominggus Mandacan and other stakeholders.

In particular the National Police Chief and the Commander in Chief of the TNI have guaranteed the security of the activities of Papuan citizens and students who work or study outside of Papua. On a different occasion, the National Police Chief also requested that the Papuan people residing on overseas lands participate in respecting and respecting local culture and customs. So that migrants also have to respect each other and respect the local community.

Meanwhile Head of Information for the Kodam (Kapendam) XVII / Cenderawasih Lt. Col. CPI Eko Daryanto said there were no more actions taking place in Papua Province. Although there had been an action last Monday, everything was under control. Eko also described the conducive situation in Papua as seen from the operation of shopping centers, and the smooth flow of traffic activities.

In addition to maintaining local security, the TNI – Polri Joint Team also helped clean up the remnants of the actions caused by the mass yesterday. On another occasion, good news for travelers came from Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya, where he ensured that Papua was safe for travelers to travel. He even claimed that Papua was safe and comfortable for tourists.

He also stressed that the riots that had occurred in Papua would not affect the achievement of the targets set previously. For tourist visits, the Ministry of Tourism projections this year will reach around 18 million people. So that the Ministry of Tourism targets for this year there are 2 namely visit and one is foreign exchange.

The conduciveness of Papua is also symbolized by a duet between East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa and Papua Governor Lukas Enembe who sing songs from Papua on the sidelines of a friendly gathering held at the Grahadi State Building in Surabaya. A total of 2 songs namely Tanah Papua and Aku Papua were performed by the two regional heads. When both of them sang on stage, the whole group of Papuan governors also dissolved and sang, as well as a number of East Java forkopimda officials, such as East Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Luki Hermawan and Pangdam V / Brawijaya Military Major General Maj. Gen. Wisnoe Prasetja Boedi.

On this occasion, Khofifah again conveyed his apology for the incidents that occurred in East Java on August 16 and August 17, 2019, especially those that took place in front of the Papuan Student Dormitory on Jalan Kalasan Surabaya. The event became even warmer when Papua Governor Lukas Enembe and his entourage thanked Khofifah for being accepted at Grahadi. The relationship between Papua and East Java that has been established is expected to continue to run well so it must be maintained in order to realize the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia.

) * The writer is a Papuan student, living in Yogyakarta

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