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Jokowi calls for tolerance to build Indonesia


Inter-religious harmony is a basic capital in creating peace to support development in Indonesia.

President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo reminded of the importance of maintaining harmony as a capital to build a large Indonesian nation. The President expressed this when he was staying in touch at the same time inaugurating a number of facilities at the International Modern Islamic Boarding School Dea Malela, in the District of Lenangguar, Sumbawa Regency.

The former Governor of DKI Jakarta reminds that the Indonesian nation is a big nation, which must be well cared for. In fact, this great nation must be filled by people who dream big. President Jokowi explained that why is called a big country, because our country has a population of around 263 million, 514 districts / cities and 34 provinces.

President Jokowi added, the Indonesian nation with all the differences, diversity, both religion, customs, tribe is a gift from Allah SWT. Therefore, the President invited all the nation’s children to care for the Islamic brotherhood, the Ukhuwah Wathoniyah, the Ukhuwah Insaniyah, as a form of responsibility for all these gifts.

The President asked, He said, do not let this great country crack, not get along well, because of the choice of the Regent, the election of the Governor, or the president. Choose the best, get back together.

Meanwhile, founder of the International Modern Ponpes Dea Malela, Prof. Dr. Din Syamsuddin reminded the role of Ponpes in developing national children who are able to compete at the world level. This former Muhammadiyah Central Executive from Sumbawa said that this Ponpes was a valley of civilization, a valley of civilization.

Din explained, the students were not only from NTB but also from all over Indonesia. Even santri students who have only been running for three years are from abroad. So that it has broad coverage not only nationally, but internationally.

Modern International Ponpes Dea Malela also continues to complete a number of facilities. Such as santri dormitories, libraries, and sports facilities and learning facilities. Even most of it has been established, thanks to the help of cooperation from various parties.

Hopefully all the people and the government continue to put forward the values ​​of tolerance, both to the people who are in the same faith, and who have different beliefs and religions. Do not be easily provoked by unclear sources and news (Hoax), and for the government, we expect good coordination between those who have an interest in maintaining the value of tolerance in order to create a harmonious, safe and peaceful situation in the midst of differences.

By: Reza Setiawan *)

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