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Jokowi Could Build Our Indonesia


By: Mirwan Achmad)*

Since became The Mayor of Solo, the name of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has become publicly known. Especially at the time of his nomination as Governor of DKI Jakarta, Jokowi became one of the most talked issues. Jokowi achievment in building Jakarta, made himself ogled by one of the major parties in Indonesia who asked him to follow the fight to occupy the reins of leadership as President of Indonesia.

With his expertise to communicate, Jokowi considered able to break the myth of the transfer of street vendors should lead to clashes between apparatus and traders, as happened in other regions. At that time, he received many harassment, ranging from the look that does not fit the President of the Republic of Indonesia until the assumption that he will not be able to build Indonesia.

However, the assumption is slowly but surely can be broken by Joko Widodo. Since his three years of rule, he has been able to build Indonesia in all fields. One of them is infrastructure.

President Jokowi’s policy to build road, bridge and air transportation infrastructure, sea and land transportation has been a priority since Jokowi was inaugurated by President of Indonesia. Jokowi breakthrough in building infrastructure in Indonesia, such as “Sungai Begawan Solo” flows to the far can be seen through the social media account of President Joko Widodo.

Jokowi Infrastructure Development Program 2015-2019 is focused on the location of 15 airports and 24 ports from Aceh to Papua. Bappenas RI data show that the infrastructure program is a new road of 2,650 Km, 1000Km Toll Road, the construction of ferry ports in 60 locations, the procurement of 50 pioneer ferry vessels, the construction of BRT in 29 cities, the rapid development of mass transit in urban areas.

In the aviation sector, Jokowi also claims to speed up its construction. In 2016, as many as nine airports were developed so as to have a higher standard. A total of six airports are officially operated. The availability of electricity is also ogled by the government by holding a 35,000 megawatt program.

The acvhievment of infrastructure development era of President Jokowi’s leadership has cut off the chain and the shackles of isolated access to the economy of the people of Indonesia, both in Sumatra to Papua. Development of Sumatra Toll Road, Trans-Sumatra Railway, Trans Papua became a “paradise” of development that liberate the people of Indonesia.

)* The author is CIDISS Contributor

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