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Jokowi: I Will Chase Offenders


By: Muhammad Ridwan) *

In his speech at the Visi Indonesia event, the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo conveyed his firmness in relation to the government he will lead for the next 5 years. Jokowi began by inviting the audience to realize that we currently live in a very dynamic global environment. Where the phenomenon is full of speed, risk, complexity and surprises that are often far from our calculations.

He also invites all people to continue to look for a new model, a new way, new values ​​in finding solutions to every problem they face, of course with innovations, where we all have to be willing and will be forced to want. Jokowi also did not escape the assertion, that we must leave the old ways. Old pattern. Both in managing organizations, institutions and in managing government. That is, by changing the ineffective way it becomes effective.

Management is deemed necessary because according to Jokowi, we must go to a country that is more productive, has competitiveness and high flexibility in facing all changes. The infrastructure development sector is unlikely to escape from a series of speeches, Jokowi’s visionary program is to build large infrastructure such as toll roads, railways, ports and airports with people’s production areas.

Later the area will be connected to small industrial areas, special economic zones and tourism areas. This shows an expectation, where the infrastructure sector is expected to always be able to develop small industrial areas, so that they should be able to develop each other for the betterment of Indonesia.

The former mayor stated that one of his concerns was to invite the widest possible investment so that it would have an impact on employment. The statement shows Jokowi’s firmness in realizing Indonesia as an investment-friendly country. He also appealed to the public not to be allergic to investment, because in this way employment would be available.

On this basis, he also threatened those who hindered investment. In particular, he also threatened a complicated bureaucratic process. “Moreover, there are experts. Be careful, in the future I will make sure I pursue it, “said Jokowi. The threat is a commitment that investment in Indonesia will increase. He also does not want any more obstacles to investment because it is the key to opening employment opportunities as broad as possible.

The speech will certainly make the people seized because they cannot shop freely, the existence of extortion is certainly a concern for those who want to invest in Indonesia. If investment in Indonesia is stagnant, the wheel of the economy will be increasingly difficult to develop. In front of his sympathizers, Jokowi said firmly, that in the future he would chase the illegal collector, if necessary, beat him. Because investment is the key to opening employment.

Besides that Jokowi also wants to give priority to the development of human resources, where the starting point is from the development of human resources by providing health insurance to pregnant women – since hami – infant health, toddler health and health of school children. The speech showed Jokowi’s knowledge of health, which at that age was the golden age to print superior Indonesian people in the future. So that Jokowi hoped that the roots would not stunting and there would be no increase in maternal and infant mortality.

In terms of education, Jokowi said that the quality of education would continue to be improved, where he would build an Indonesian talent management institution. Which will later facilitate the government, and provide educational support and self-development for Indonesian talents. He continued, Jokowi also wanted that highly talented Diaspora should be given support so that they would contribute greatly to the acceleration of Indonesia’s development.

With this, the Diaspora who want to contribute in their own country do not need to worry, because the government will provide a place for the nation’s best sons and daughters. In conclusion, Jokowi wants the use of the state budget to be focused and on target. Because every rupiah that comes out of the APBN, it must be ensured that the expenditure has economic benefits and can improve the welfare of the community.

) * The writer is a sociopolitical observer

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