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Kalteng Need Hundreds of Medical Force

illustration: a victim of haze
illustration: a victim of haze

Choirul Fuadi, Central Kalimantan, CIDISS – The condition of Kalteng is very terrible. Amid the haze condition prolonged, as well as drought in some parts of Kalteng.

Recently the Official Governor Kalteng, Hadi Prabowo, as quote in Antara News.com, Friday (16/10/2015) mentions the kalteng still lacks and desperately needs hundreds of medical forces to serve people of Kalteng.

“Medical force need 37 doctors, 23 a specialist doctor, 120 dentist and 248 midwives who will work in the hospitals or clinics throughout all of Kalteng,” said hadi.

He said that the province is also still urgently need rabies vaccines, immunization, supplementary food for toddlers and improved facilities.

“Service to the community will not be optimal if medical personnel, medicines and health facilities are still very minimal,” (*)


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