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KPU Scores Hundreds of Foreigners In DPT 2019 Election


By: Iwan Atmaja *

It was reported earlier, that the Election Supervisory Body warned the General Election Commission (KPU) and related agencies to take seriously the news of foreign nationals who were admitted to the DPT. Because if the foreigners who in fact do not have voting rights in the general election, follow-up vote, this can have an impact on the conduct of re-voting (PSU). He stressed that the discovery of foreigners’ data on electronic KTP owners entering DPT in a number of regions was a serious problem. He asked the KPU to check and immediately cross out the foreign national from the DPT.

Following this news, the KPU succeeded in removing hundreds of foreign nationals who were included in the final voter list of the 2019 Election DPT. According to him, the entry of foreigners to the DPT did not need to be sought for who was wrong so that there were things that did not need to be pulled back.

Name – Names of foreigners who enter DPT in 17 provinces vary from one foreign national to 7 foreigners whose names are included in the DPT. KPU commissioner Ilham Saputra said, foreigners who entered DPT were married, worked and others.

While KPU commissioner Viryan Azis said that, there were 370 foreigners who had been crossed out. This update arrived last night. In the data, he said that 370 foreigners were spread in 19 provinces in Indonesia. The provinces of West Java, DKI Jakarta, and Bali are the 3 highest provinces with foreign data of the owners of e-KTP who enter the DPT. Bali 74 people, Jakarta 76 people and West Java 86 people.

The KPU together with the Election Supervisory Body and the Dukcapil first conducted a check in the field, to ascertain whether the data was correct with the facts before doing the deletion. Previously, the KPU, Bawaslu and the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration of the Ministry of Home Affairs had agreed to form a joint technical team aimed at resolving issues related to the entry of foreigners into the 2019 DPT Election Permanent Voters List.

Viryan said that the combined technical team worked intensively for one week at the KPU Building to comb foreigners who had e-KTPs that entered the DPT.

“We agreed with the Director General to form a joint desk, so that there was a technical team representing the KPU, Dukcapil and coordination with the Bawaslu commissioner, so that the substance of this matter is not to have the right to vote in Indonesia,” Viryan said.

Previously the Dukcapil had provided data on 1680 foreigners who had e-KTPs to the KPU for sweeping in the DPT 2019 Election. As a result, the KPU had crossed hundreds of names of foreigners who were included in the 2019 DPT. said, all the findings of the institution, KPU and Bawaslu will be synchronized.

“Later if there are findings from the KPU, Bawaslu will be matched with the NIK with the database that is in us. “The database is here, by name, by address in dukcapil,” explained Zudan.

If there is still a foreign national who has an e-KTP, then the KPU officer appointed in this team can immediately cross out the foreign national name from the DPT. Zudan also revealed that this team served as a door for the community to complain if they found foreigners who were included in the 2019 DPT.

“Anyone who feels that he finds a foreigner entering the DPT may report to the technical team. Well, later this team will have an office in the KPU as the organizer of the Election. There are from my staff of Dukcapil, Bawaslu gathered to be more effective, faster to finish, “Zudan explained.

The sweeping carried out by the KPU apparently won praise from the MUI Secretary General Anwar Abbas who said that this effort was a step to uphold good democracy. This step is considered to minimize the unrest of the people ahead of the election.

“The MUI appreciates the KPU for combing the DPT final voters list to avoid not going to happen, there will be foreigners who will vote in April,” said Anwar Abbas

 He said, from the sweeping process carried out by the KPU, it must be taken seriously and vigilantly regarding the potential problems in the upcoming Election DPT.

“The existence of these findings certainly requires us to be more vigilant and cautious because the existence of these findings makes us aware that there are still problems in the DPT that we now have,” he said.

The MUI also appealed to the KPU to work harder because if we were not aware of this, it would not be impossible for the presidential election and legislative election to be potentially not recognized by the losers because they felt cheated. And if that happens then this country will be noisy and on the verge of division, “he added.

This shows moral support related to the factual field verification efforts carried out by the KPU and the team, to realize the presidential and legislative elections in April 2019 to take place in a good, clean, honest and fair manner. It believes that only in such ways can the Indonesian people establish good democracy. Enforcement of good democracy will certainly lead the country and nation of Indonesia to become a sovereign, advanced and dignified nation.

* The author is a FISIP Alumni from Palangka Raya University

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