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To protect residents from the risk of transmission, President Jokowi established a regulation on Large-Scale Social Restrictions through Government Regulation (PP) Number 21 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions and came into effect on April 1, 2020. Local governments wishing to impose Large-Scale Social Restrictions in their regions must go through central government approval. The mechanisms and indicators for implementing the Large-Scale Social Restrictions at the regional level are regulated in detail in the Minister of Health Regulation No. 9/2020 concerning Guidelines for Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the Context of Accelerating Handling of Covid-19.

The first province to apply for the Large-Scale Social Restrictions was DKI Jakarta, which has the highest corona-affected area. The DKI Jakarta Large-Scale Social Restrictions application was approved by the Minister of Health Agus Terawan with the Minister of Health’s Decree regarding the Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the DKI Jakarta Province for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 which was signed on April 7, 2020. This Minister of Health Decree was then followed by the Decree of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 380 of 2020 Regarding the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (in handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in DKI Jakarta Province. DKI Governor Anies Baswedan signed the decision on April 9, 2020. The implementation of the Jakarta Large-Scale Social Restrictions lasts for 14 days from April 10-24 2020.

With this Large-Scale Social Restrictions, the DKI government hopes that the prevention of covid-19 transmission will be more effective because there are strict sanctions for violators. “In principle, over the past three weeks Jakarta has imposed restrictions on working, studying and worshiping at home. Now, the Large-Scale Social Restrictions rules will be made binding with strict sanctions that can be applied directly on the ground by the police, TNI, or provincial government officials who are on patrol, “said Anies (Kompas, 8/4/2020). The submission of the Jakarta Large-Scale Social Restrictions was followed by the Tangerang, Depok, Bogor and Bekasi regions. This submission was made by the relevant government on April 11, 2020. A day later the Minister of Health issued two decrees to approve the implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restrictions in these areas.

The first rule is the Decree of the Minister of Health Number HK.01.07 / Menkes / 248/2020 concerning the Establishment of Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the Bogor Regency, Bogor City, Depok City, Bekasi Regency and Bekasi City, West Java Province in order to accelerate the handling of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). While the second rule is the Decree of the Minister of Health Number HK.0 1.07 / Menkes / 249/2020 concerning the establishment of Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the Tangerang Regency, Tangerang City, and South Tangerang City, Banten Province in order to accelerate the handling of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID- 19).

Large-Scale Social Restrictions are a form of the government’s responsiveness in dealing with the spread of the corona virus. Thus, the government wants to ensure that all Indonesian citizens can maintain their health and avoid the transmission of the deadly virus. However, the active role of the community is needed so that Covid – 19 can completely disappear from Indonesia. Without society, the government will not be able to do much.

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