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Let’s Fertilize the Spirit of Diversity for the 2019 Election with Dignity to Succeed the Sustainability of Nation Development


By: Rega Nurfitri

Rapid technological developments have made it easier for us to access news in other parts of the world that are very far from where we live. But apparently this also brings one of the most deadly diseases, namely the easy spread of news hoaxes in cyberspace.

Why is hoax or false news one of the most deadly diseases? This is inseparable from the spirit of the unity and diversity of the Indonesian state that must be maintained so as not to be in disarray due to the incitement of news that continues to be carried out by power-hungry interest groups. If the spread of fake news or hoaxes is not immediately resisted, then the spirit of unity and diversity that has been proclaimed since the independence of Indonesia is feared to fade.

When this spirit of unity and diversity has become extinct, it does not rule out the possibility that what is in the midst of this very diverse Indonesian community is just a conflict like many that occur in other parts of the world. Of course we cannot let this matter and we must fight together to uphold unity in Indonesia for the sake of the continuation of Indonesia’s human development as a whole.

Let us protect the integrity of the Indonesian nation by not participating in spreading hoax news on social media and let’s succeed in the 2019 Election in a peaceful and quality manner so that the ongoing development that is currently being carried out intensively can continue.

With this awareness, we can minimize the spread of hoaxes, so that all communities will continue to get along well and have the optimism to participate in development and feeling. The results are peaceful and peaceful without conflict. That is why in the run-up to the 2019 election, one thing that we must not relax in ourselves is the spirit of diversity and diversity.

When this spirit remains embedded within us, we can hope that the peaceful and dignified 2019 elections that maintain national unity can truly be realized and sustainable. National achievements can be carried out for the success of aspirations towards advanced Indonesia. Blogger / Entrepreneur Cathering in Singkawang, West Kalimantan

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