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Micro PPKM Effectively Controlling Corona Virus


By: Adi Hidayat) *

The imposition of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) is considered effective in controlling the corona virus. The proof, the number of corona patients in Bandung has decreased compared to last month. This is also the case in other parts of Indonesia. So that the government decided to extend the PPKM until March 22, 2021.

After a year of the pandemic, Indonesia has not been able to be 100% corona free. Indeed, there is a national vaccination, but this program can only be completed after 1 year, so there is still a long wait to establish herd immunity. Therefore, the government has implemented PPKM from the beginning of the year, until March 22, 2021. The goal is to control the transmission of the corona virus.

The results of this PPKM are starting to emerge. K apolrestabes Bandung Kombes Ulung Sampurna Jaya stated that in the City of Flowers the status has dropped from the red zone to the orange zone. In that sense, the discipline of Bandung residents when PPKM bears sweet fruit so that the number of corona patients has decreased and they are no longer in areas with red zones.

Kombes Ulung continued, the decline of Bandung’s status from the red zone to the orange zone was the result of good cooperation between the Bandung city covid-19 task force team and Bhabinkamtibmas. They coordinate and control the transmission of corona to the RT and RW levels, by implementing a very strict PPKM. So that the community will be more disciplined in implementing it.

Cooperation between the apparatus and the covid-19 task force team is certainly very good to be applied in other areas. Because the community is more reluctant when dealing with the police, so they are disciplined in implementing PPKM. No one dared to violate, because they realized that this limitation on mobility was in their own interests.

The results of the PPKM can also be seen from the decline in the number of corona patients in the City of Flowers. According to data from the Bandung Covid-19 Task Force Team, the number of corona patients in February 2021 reached 103 people. Meanwhile, as of March 13, 2021, there were only 78 Covid patients. It is hoped that by the end of March 2021, the number of corona patients will continue to decline.

Meanwhile throughout Indonesia, the number of Covid patients has also decreased. According to data from the covid-19 task force team, on February 28, 2021 there were an additional 5,000 people infected with the corona per day. Meanwhile, on March 13, 2021, the number of covid patients is only 4,604 people. The decline in the number of patients is very grateful, because there is hope for an end to the pandemic.

When there was a PPKM, some people complained that the opening hours of shops, restaurants and other public places were limited to 8pm. So reducing their opening hours. However, the public must understand that PPKM is very useful for reducing corona transmission. They must be willing to sacrifice just a little, for the sake of saving the lives of many people .

In addition, when the micro PPKM was implemented, the mobility of the residents was also really limited. There is a curfew and people are not allowed to cross the road carelessly until early morning. Of course, there are exceptions for those who have urgent needs, for example, am months going to the hospital, mothers who are about to give birth, etc.

Micro PPKM is not a program to curb people’s freedom. However, PPKM was made for the benefit of the community itself. Although there are restrictions on mobility and hours of activities outside the home , there are results. Namely the transmission of the corona which is getting under control so that the number of Covid patients has decreased dramatically.

Stay patient in undergoing PPKM and continue to adapt during the pandemic. Remember the benefits of this program and stop complaining. Apart from that , we still have to implement health protocols by wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance. As well as strengthening the body’s immunity and maintaining the hygiene of the home and surrounding environment.

) * The author is a contributor to pertiwi media

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