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National Reconciliation as a Great Hope After the 2019 Election Event


By: Nanang Akmaludin (Media Activist Social-Alumni Al-Azhar Cairo, Egypt)

In the 2019 General Election, it cannot be denied that in a number of regions and various layers of society the atmosphere is heating up and they favor each other’s champions by degrading others. Some even have the heart to slander others just so that the candidate he supports wins and occupies the seat of power.

This is reflected in the number of hoaxes or hoaxes that in the past campaign period until now we still find a lot in the universe of cyberspace. Fights just because of different choices we often witness and sometimes even make us sick. We are disappointed only because once a five-year party brings noise.

We hope that the dynamics will bring a positive side, namely the level of community participation using permanent voting rights because the only two presidential and vice presidential candidates who are widely known publicly are the main attraction. In other words, there has been massive political learning for the people massively in order to increase democratic understanding and maturity. The large number of Indonesian people who care about politics is an advantage in itself. By showing their concern, it means that they have decided to participate in participating in thinking about the future of the Indonesian people.

These debates and polemics do not only occur in the real world, but also in the virtual world. During the season, many campaigners debated freely and often dramatized hyperbolicly without control until finally the people dared to express their political choices openly and even forced their will.

Now after the 2019 General Election is over, whatever happens, let’s accept it with relief and grace. Apart from the results that we think are disappointing, we must be willing to accept them and think that they are all the reality and achievements of our nation in the process of maturing democracy.

With the various joys and sorrows experienced together, we will get a lot of political learning for material improvements in the future. The agenda of the nation and state is still very long while the Election agenda is only a once-five-year event.

Do not let the difference in political support which temporarily undermines the spirit of brotherhood, unity and mutual determination to build the Indonesian nation.
This General Election really has become a test that will determine the future of the Indonesian people.

If we graduate, the future hopes are very promising for the rise and progress of the nation. The people will put their trust in the state, political parties and democracy so that later the world will respect Indonesia.

Hopefully this 2019 election will be remembered as a party. Every big party must be tiring and cost a lot. However, a relief because of the great need of the nation we have succeeded in carrying out with passion and love only for the progress of the nation and the people.

Above all, people are still the ones who have real sovereignty in this country. Political elites and political parties have an obligation to return to the spirit of unity and unity for the success of Indonesia’s sustainable development. Let us support the results of the 2019 Election in a peaceful and dignified manner and keep the foundation of our country Pancasila by re-knitting the unity of the nation to jointly continue the development of Indonesia. Because whoever wins is our common victory towards an advanced Indonesia.

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