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By: Rashka Pratama )*

In the development of the Covid – 19 case some time back, the thought arose that it seemed necessary to be more realistic and reconcile, with Corona in the new normal era. Through this vocabulary, the public is intended to need to recognize the way it is transmitted, get used to wearing masks, wash hands, and return to activities like the era before the Covid – 19 pandemo.

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency, only a small portion of citizens who run government campaigns to do activities at home. This is because many people who think that activities at home are very difficult, especially for people whose livelihoods must be obtained by activities outside the home. As a result, there is an assumption that staying at home is also dangerous, indeed it will not die because of Covid-19, but can be tortured because of poverty and hunger which will ultimately endanger lives.

As a result, there are a number of people and traders who do not comply with large-scale social restrictions and continue to carry out their activities outside the home. Seeing this condition, the government felt the need to take action. It is feared to remain at home and hope that the Corona vaccine will soon be discovered will only give birth to a new pandemic, namely poverty and hunger.

With the issuance of a new policy from the central government, namely the implementation of new normal, hopefully all activities, especially in the field of business and business can be carried out normally and are not worried about contracting the virus. Coexist with Corona might be harder for some people. However, we now inevitably have to start trying it. New normal, who’s afraid?

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