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New Weapons Against Covid-19


By: Deka Prawira )*

Covid-19 virus is trying to get rid of Indonesia so that all people are safe. The consortium Covid-19, supported by the government, made 55 types of ‘weapons’ to fight the corona, in the form of ventilators and other tools to support medical personnel. It is hoped that this weapon can completely crush the Covid-19 virus to its conclusion.

Deadly corona disease and the vaccine is still not there, making many people afraid of contracting it. The government has also tried hard to end the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus, by making various regulations such as banning going home, PSBB, staying at home, working at home, and school at home. If there is a patient who has already contracted corona must also be isolated in a special room to receive intensive care, at the hospital designated by the government.

To support health workers so that they can carry out their duties properly, the government also supports by providing a lot of assistance in the form of medical masks, hazmat clothes, ventilators, and other medical devices. Unfortunately, many tools are still imported, so the price is very expensive. Moreover, the value of the dollar is rising. In addition, these medical devices have begun to be difficult to bring to Indonesia due to the absence of planes between countries.

This condition led to the formation of the Covid-19 consortium which consisted of scientists, stakeholders, ministries, universities and health experts. They tried hard to make weapons so that Indonesia was free of corona. But don’t imagine that this weapon is in the form of a sword, shotgun or cannon. But medical devices such as ventilators and rapid test equipment that can help corona patients to recover quickly and detect someone whether contracting the Covid-19 virus.

President Joko Widodo in late May 2020 has launched weapons consisting of 55 products. Even 9 of them were examined directly by him. The President is very optimistic about the existence of these weapons, because this country can finally be independent and no longer need to import. If necessary, a vaccine from the Covid-19 virus can also be found by native Indonesian scientists. So that it can also be used by other countries and make corona disappear from the face of the earth.

The types of weapons seen and examined directly by the president include test kits (PCR test kits Covid-19), VENT-I ventilators, medical assistant robots named Raisa and autonomous UVC mobile robots, rapid diagnostic test kits, and plasma convalence . In addition, there is also an AI (artificial intelligence) system for corona detection, herbal immunomodulators originating from Indonesia, powered air purifying respirators, and level 2 biosafety mobile labs. All originals are Indonesian-made and are very proud

The President also hopes that the devices that become weapons against corona will not only become prototypes but can be mass produced. So that it can be distributed to all corners of Indonesia. Even if possible these tools are exported to help other countries to be free from the Covid-19 virus attack.

He also appealed to entrepreneurs not to hesitate to become investors, to develop tools such as ventilators and robots for medical assistants. The goal, of course, is for these weapons to be further refined and can be produced in even more quantities. We certainly know that research and trials for medical devices require a lot of financial support, therefore businessmen should care and support the Covid-19 consortium’s move.

Weapons against corona consisting of rapid test equipment, robot health workers, and ventilators, are made by the original Indonesian. We must be proud because scientists have succeeded in making these tools to help many corona patients. The president also hopes the weapons can be mass produced, even exported.

)* Active writer in the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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